Page 42 - BlackandWhite1924-25
P. 42
Pag'e 2, The Gold Bug', Western Maryland College, Westminster, Md. A weekly ~::~p~J~.L~ev~t~~ to makluz I ~~~e~1:~opi~~te:;i~·lr:1I~!1:~!S\1~nLl~~~1l~8~;{'~~~ "Estllhllshed 18S;;" WeSL!'1"n.unrvtand College, a Bigger, "! gcmg .IShard to .understand, 'but even Ins THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK I death, his fine !(lea!s \IPO~ us, ,and I getter Institution. anti published In the t IIno sph-lt let \IS "carry I by the sruuenta for Lhe college. I College HIlI IS better for h~s havlllg' lived OF WESTMINSTER o _0 __ 0_ 0 I am~n$ us. Ent ared at Post Office at ~'Ve8lmin!:ller, ~'1!I., I Ol\ll onr own sorrow we snare the sorrow WES1'MI:O\II.\oJ. Cnssen. I STETSON HA'rs lege. He WR1:ln typical al1-al'OUJ!il IIIUII 'I'lI'j) f~o A~ '1l~~iol\lI1'lcs. As an athlete bra.e. resource[ul ma~lly.1 .\11'. WlIrner left to dt'an. high-minded. with II six-year record I gO as a missionary . o-r fooLball. three of whl~lI lI'ere served Oil' went in II i\i1l1ilal' LO InternatIOnal Made·to-Measure Suits the VarsIty teul11. He also 1'"c~iveLl honol" I clel·g.r01en left fOI' [ alJle mention [.,1' AlhSulLe team, I· some weeks ago. As a loral member of the da~s '26. he W, .\1, Douglass, a ~flillellt at Westerll Heavy Wool Sweaters hrollght honor LO the .lunior cla~s. of which )1al'yland Oollege. Dr. Humphreys Hai!l. will ~~~~~~~~ term of .\-11'. Bailey ilLI hI' 11'3.1:1treasurer. As a SLu!ienL he was I 1I11out the 1111eXpll'ed chaq,e. eal'l\eSI. flafn~taking, lhouglltfili. ~('holflrlY'I"he W~st ,Vilmin!';lo!l h~ell fl1lell 1'. he nICancy "J 0 H N" . As one active ill the Hociui life of th;)lilt Hellance haH nol I l'olh,!!;e he was always COllrteous, kindly. '1'1) Uel.l'ill Worl.: SUOIl. ('I'In; COI,I,mE HAUll1m) !lymj\~lhet!c. ("lIeer1111,Inspiring. II g-entle- Mr. Bail~y and :\-11-. Adallls look \Ill thpil' .t;mcieut ~1~\~~:~~~~~~:~.;1~~:7~it~l~~~1':7~1~!::~):~~01:~~~~1:,~~II~l\~;::!~~I~~:r:~!~;II~J:.(,~-~,~:\I::~I:~11)!~:~:Jr(il~; Versed }~conomic tl·tU1l!rP.-\'~to\II(1he mnfle itI al.<:ch and hel'e Imve been filled temjloral'ily hy (.on_i~~~~~~~~~~~~ CHARLES KROOP ('OIHluCI Oll Col1e~e Hill fel'ellce offiCials. He was a vigorouS exponent of a hl)nrty. Leading Shoe Repair' Shop ('l('all-mindA(\ lire. nnti hl~ cOlli\i~t-ency com- manded the resped of the whole hody of S'I'nrEX'I' C()l':
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