Page 43 - BlackandWhite1924-25
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The Gold Bug, Western Maryland College, Westminster, Mtl. Page 3. UIJ.1INI )iO'J't:S I S'I'l'IH~X'.r SOCIOLO(HC>\L Si'1IVt:y 1 W)I.'~~'1'0 SCHOOl. ur IL\UIO (Contlnll€41 from llUl:!'e1'0111'.) I Within a few days tlie taxpayei-s 'A Salem, \\'1)('11.roun OI~'Ji ,~to 1:0 LO~oijege, Lost. Present ad(lr?ss or :III's, 0, R Wlll-, Oregon. \I'!l1 find tnetr homes, the!!' «tune. I in 19:;0, the only expense entailed will h~ son, ,11'., formerly :il!!~s Sara Ann Brown, I th''''ir places of business, inva(led by It grOl1JlI me purcnuse of II t'ndlu eet ; it they "'is'h to '0'4, Rewanl Offered. r cr WillameUe University students, armed cunuge ccueges. that cnn be accomut.sneu AUention, Class '03! Get your rice hand i ;~·~~hs.lle;~~~\~;ln(~o~~~e~~>~~~~a~~~I:~~q~e~~ :~~\.~h~~\;I:,lJ."ti::e:~a:~~a~:!:;I~I~~I,I\~2~Zr~1~1~~0~~ fi~leen~dl~J~'b~e~d';;id~pll~ ~1~~s:e~~~lsl;\l:~1C!~'~~! ~~C~~I~n;e~~~l!\~:;;ll~: ~Ii:fte~~~; ~~:s~l~~~~:~~: I ~~~\~I~"SOfe~~~~:~gur~:'lol~R~:~~.lany, ~1I111the a mtrd party. as yet, unnamed, to cause I lug students'. By and by, when tuetr note I :I~.~r~)~:e~l~~'~?el~~ivS~~~da~~;e~~\~e~~ea~(~e!~~~I~~:l~i~l~l\eh:~i/~' ~il~:le~~:lih~~ t~~et~li~fllc~~theen er. Jealous sweethearts, jewelers, dreas- 1000w. Tbey will know the housing snuu- to makers and cakeuakers. Sweet atrams of lion, the labor condlt.lnu. whether 01' not music, old shoes. plenty of rtce. cake anu i there are too many cnurcues III the city leal'S; 10t.S ot kislIing >111>11'onl)(I., topped ofl' j and what tyue of neonre Iil'st settled uiere. iby sincere good wishes or everybody. 'rueae students w\11 nieu have made the A non-ected report of the wedding will be Sociological Survey, which Is shortly to be prfntetl, If some one will send It in. undertaken by the Pi Gamma ~hl and un-ee memiJers of the recour. The atudeme of nie sociology ciass are to gather the data ami it is 1.0 he tabulated and sUlllmarizetl Always Something New Iq. Iry individual mom-lier's of lhe fraler.nit y , I The ~\lrvey has been divided into fifteen fields as follows: _\JInnic\plll Governmenl" Shoes, Hats, Caps, Ties ;i~~\1~1~rc~u~p(lI~~~'i~;n.L~;:~'~l?ll~1~~~~ll~~~~::::, ~~~:~ ~ a~!~~;Jct~~~i~~:~~~il~~~o~ll'n1~:jlOl~!~~:'i And Shirts and I?inancial Resolll·cos. I lel?~i~le~he~rl~;le~~la~olI;r~·ov~tn~~lItJISI~·l~e,·e(j~~i \,Chathc\, or noll.ite C'atholit.:8 are "enrle:n· J. Thomas Anders ',riug to !\omillai.e IH!hlh; schoolUfe.' l1'ill take six IH0llLhs. Afto)' ~l1rvej' Tile it is ('OIll11Ieted, a definite, ('O\lStrn~tj\'e ~~~~~~~~~~~_ ~~~,::~I~lt~t~fJ~;'l\:g~~I:~II;~SI~fh)eh~nf:\~)e~(~i~~I\OO~~ WEHLER & KING The New Sln(!ellt. JlnUGGISTS,,~ax ('()_OI'lmJ\"'IVE 1101'81'::-; I c.: '::';:":.' ,_::.,.,_,.; The R.exall Store Progressive campaign orators who ex-I ~[Jl.le, WESTMINSTER. MP lolled the virtues of Ule LeFollelte to men-I neglected rule, wherB the "Jleelllil" I ~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~i~lI tl~~e 1~~II;~e~~it~,I)e~~ti\~iS:~~~~~:sh.~~~:::i '.1I011ses 1I1'eopel-ated OIl a comillunistic Illa."'j ;:'.'.::::- :_"' __ ;',.: At the end of each year, at a 'business meet- WILSON & HOPF 1 lllg, an estimate is maLle of !.he expellses lor ...;.;: ..... :...,.•. ,.....,., ..... ,.; j ~~~~d~'~~l~~t; ll;:~::~llll~~r\~f ti71~~Sj)i;lo-i;:~el~lo~~;II IIOUSt:UOl,1) }'Ln~I!iilln(lS I and el'ery girl [lays her share In monthly Ill" ~a~:>I~;~:~t~e(~s~~~~~\~(~e'~~~I~_;;dO~~~e~~a~h~h~~:i:i 2801) KEr\~EnY A1't;~ or lhe. hO\loo fundS. She also l;:eep~ the 1 I;:f~~':'11~~y~net~~>l.I)111~;eo~~e~~I~~~{rlll~:~rL"l~(i Unlfimore, -'lei. I her expenses [01' lhese ~ervlces. The house work Is also done on the 1.\0-: opel-alive plan. I;;very gil'l has her ns-I J>liOue: Homewoou 906~, sig:llmellt of work. Says ~he Dnl1y Cardinal: ~~~~~~~~~~~~ I "The l1niverslt.y has a lively Interesl ill the Western Mar~land College ! ~;~~~~:::it/~,~~:;:(:Ih'on~~~. l;)e~t~dI~~r\\~~)~~:~: :"'.:' ..::.C:;;':".," ..:: low at plant, lInll'er~ity h)l' lhe f\~\Ires'l at one Eme were fortnne.le Alllll1!le.e who I "nol1gh LOhnve been members 01 one of I Students I them conlllbnte gen(!lollsl\ to\\alrJ Illct\lre~ I SUpleml1 C(lllrt Justlcl1 Chulles L Gil} a~ l1hoto anll p\en ~Ilch Iuxlllies h>lnglngs I;laphs -111(1 New Stndenl I ~~~~e[Ij~!;lJ~~:~;j~~I~~I~I~o~s~;~~e~~I\j~l~~a~~I~~~1 are welcomed by heen I~allied auollt the A.lpha PI Sigma ex WESTMINSTER'S BEST STORE \ : Compliments Of A lll'assed Indlgnalion He sal(\ Ihat I,hen he Nusbaum & Jordan I ~1;I;l:O,::~leL~~er~a~~:l:g~r f:~~~;;I{l~atlon Ih(ll up the papers, who tlrew L_ Noah, Alpha Pi Sigma he tho\l~ht Dry Goods & "Ready To Wear" I Friend lhal ~l~~ll~;r~nf;~\e\l~lt)~~~. 'gl~~!\,~?tl)~ 9·11·13 E. MAIN STREET eli~ihlC'_-'The N€'w :::tJllll'n!
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