Page 44 - BlackandWhite1924-25
P. 44
Page 4. The Gold Bug, Western Maryland College, westminster, Md. 111"r~~~'~~'~~3~:<~'~'~'~Pnl"gl SEE YOURSELF COURT LUNCH '\\1M. E. ECSHENBACH, Prop at the notet !lennen. gatttmura. I AS conrecto!~~r~. M~~:~~t~ Cigars InFpe~\III~·~·~:an~~~\~'~~~l:~;;.spent n week-end I WILSON tsuuel Q WESTMIN,Jl'ER 5c & lOc STORE ~ laryun vnss Langrul! 1~lltl Rev. ollVa"i SEES YOU have auuouuced their en-. 67 E. Main St. Westminster gaxement, ' next door to The,BalUmore :Vlltl-willlcr Alumni han-! Wilson Studio Westminster i'lileat Market ~~I~ltpl~'i!1a~~~:l~~el~:l~ru\e;;\~~h;;la~1ge2~~te;~.1 Same Goods at Lower Prices. --- I ~ L.~::~it~l;!·p(}i~~~,t~:;1l;~a~~~~~ln~~:ct~~O~~.I~~~l~I T. W. Mather & Son rlentorlh{!maS~OcictY. ot' .Vlr. William H'I I Westminster Hardware Co, We enuounce the uoaui i~1;~~\~~;;eWo~;'e;elal~lsl~~~'b1\~II~i(i~\~~lel~~l~~~\~ .ronnans Westminster's 11llc.-II'UI'11lg" In lS8:l. 1:-1 .-\\,1.• Kl:-.JDS ('IF Leading WESTMINS'rEll. MD D. S. GEHR Smith & Reifsnider Wholesale and Retail HARDWARE LUMBER Corner Main and Liberty Sts. BUILDING SUPPLIES Westminster. Md. The wtcomtco :\~ws Or December lIth .. i In:nIIXSTt:n, .1I,\HYI•.\:'\U. Miss 0 ella Lee Lowry I !:.~.~(~'e:.,.oi;~·eP~it~~~~.I~~lhp~r..\'~\s·lll:~11!;I(~\~~II~~·1~-----~----~ Scalp 'I'reatrneots, Facial Measag'c.: ~'~'~!l~~~~~~lai~~':I!l~r~m~f'(:,~~I~hC;'I\a5l1~\'ill!-~I~~~F. A. Sharrer & Son Shampooing 'I n lid she was gnuluaLed at western )Ial·.\·' tn2 E, MAIN StREET land College !n me cla'l~ ?f 11-:7:1, Slhr wa," We)stmin.ster, ~hL I :~b~::·il'~\i;l~.:!;;:~~I~::\~,il~':~~~;:eSl~II~~,~~;I·t;II~~;: .I, FRANCIS REESE. '13, Prop. I hone. ]~. \V, _ !:::~~.I't"?I;';.;:~I:~l':I~~I~I~:~~:~,!;,~\,~~r1~~_()1:1!~~~:;~l~I Does Your Watch Keep Right 'lime',' I rtren. __ _ _ I ALL RINDS OF FURNITURE Does YI..Ul' Fountain Pen V;-rac'.' Illi~;i;~·e;.);~'r'~il!\[:[~llll;;li~l \~~~(;~~~\~\~~(~'~t;;:~~:~I BRUNSWICK RECORnS IIle!iin Bh-mlnu ham. Aluuamn. on Tlles(lay.! Is Yom Penc 1 In Ocod Order'! Decem her 2:~. 1ft:!4, in tile .~Ith yenr of ht~ , aae. tfi\!lving aile SOil and ["ur !lal\ghters.; The Latest Dance Music. If Not Bring It To ~r'"\~~i~;~li~!~~lel'hi~Il~!~n~~~.~;:~~I~~er;fti~;~ne\;~ ~ ~i.I(ll~;!I:;·l(>I~;il\~.'~~)~:Uli~ll:h:l~:e:'~(1\':~~1~~\~i:~I~~:I ,"iI'IlI'lCItIJ>'rIOX nUXIi Westminster Jewelry ~~l~I,)~\.i~~n!;;eC;:.~~C::et\~'e~~60!'le~::~~n~e~tti~ '1'0 Bu~ine!j~ ),Ianagel' 'l'h~. G01.1!Bllg: Shop :::'~~~;!(~~l~t~~il)/I~~el~o;:~.{:h;1C!~;~·\~·!~:lHl~::~'l~\~;~~~ij~n{1$2.00 f{)l' Ihe Gold Bn)',' for snper!nICIH!en( ()f Tile hO~I'(\ of thc Wpsl· minster Th!'()If):{lral Sel\llnary until 1!11.~.\ Nante ,., . We wiIi rEp,lil' it at a l'e_tson:1lJlc ~~~~\\·T~I~l\~~e~.1I~1l\\m:'l1:~~:~;;1°inTl;~i~;;l\~~{'~~e~:: ll~' :l lill'~e cil'clf' of frienr1~. The hooly w!\s Street " .. 1 p!'lee, lW:. nc\udiol1 ITIl(e Oll mer- bnrled on the Eastern Sll()l'f' heside hlS\ ch:tndi 'e fOI' stu lents, and l(lcult.'.. wlf(!. ICnlltlnnNl till l~n~'e-t·ll'e-e-.) CiLr . Slate.
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