Page 100 - BlackandWhite1924-25
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Page 4. The Gold Bug, Western Maryland College. Westminster. Md. J. I. MYERS I College Chatter I COURT LUNCH WM. E. ECSHENBACH, gfven Prop The Junto- WATCH MA~ER I very interesting History Class was of one hun'l 11i CO~FECTIONEnY, SODA & CIGARS SlP€'Uing lesson 1M E. )llIln St. ! ~~;7;J'~~~::!,~~~~da!.Jj~~eo~is~~~:N~d 187 E. Main St. ~~~~~~~~~~~~I ! ~~~ee~~:~nd~!~!dftJ;·h~~lo\~~r~il~:a~e;orm~~!0 S GEHR onM taken from the last test. ~~~~~~~~~~~~ The oupne. WEHLER & K ING worus wer-e '"'~'" the Juntors. • • DJtIJGGISTS Ex.P,'''W,", WiI,"" might neve occupied The Rexall Store I a settee when teaching :Lt the Untveratry. Wh I I d R t 'I WESTMINSTER. ML"l. I ~~~rlIl;~~r~~I~~:~h~a~~cu~l;~~;a.R,~;~~~~~~~ 0 esa e an e ai ~~~~~~~~~~~~I he added. eert-ccnsctcusrr. tn "a'l alone." 'HARDWARE 't H d C I "Em" .Al.ln\lt~ is recunereuna quickly W t es mlns er ar ware 0, 1"'"'" h", recen "P"'''"" and " acotnetcI Corner Main and Liberty St., return to the "Hill" 18th. a.1lOutMay Prot Ranck had RS his guests over- the Westminster. Md. JOBBERS IN AI...L KINDS OF uru.nsns- 811I'I' I ~,:::~:::i"::'i:':::,:,'j::::'::dW:,~:: I Western Maryland College ,I ...imes entertamed several oftne glrla at 0 Students ,party In t'hefr rooms. :'Iliss Allee Ranck. guest of the sister Proof. was a huge I tnoncr. T!I.e 'party Runck, 'was success, due of (':1-:1'11-:11,\1.IIAItDWj\II ..;t to the congenial uceaesses. the de"light(ul are welcomed by and tnr 'between I ~~~~~~.~~~~~~Icompany, and' the entertaInment. I WESTMINSTER'S BEST STORE The SenIors were teow Smith & Reifsnider ! ~~:p;'e::~~::~'tsO~~rt1~~! -nm- No Buker I Nusbaum & Jordan RlJf, NI-: n s Dry Goods & "Ready To Wear" COAL First Co-ed-The cneek Jf that conductor 9-11-13 E. MAIN STREET what did JOU eo t I He srerec at me as it I uaue t paid nn rure Second Co-ed-And 'LUMBER ila~\ Co-ed-I ann-ted fight hack as If Miss Della Lee Lowry 1 BUILDING SUPPLIES I What was Ad~daddY? Scalp Treatments, Facial Massage. Some-thlng Eve handed him whleh he Shampooing Wt:ST'IIl'iS'1 t It. 'rAnn ANn. I coutdn t swetto ...._'~__ f 102 E. M~IN STREET ~~~~~~~~~~~~IPatient-c-I spoke to rue drug!!;l~t and he westminster, Md. = u(hlsw. me to- Phone: ll-W. F. A. Sharrer & Son \gae~e~~~\ ~~n~l!lll~r~~~eg)lldv~~l~1 auppoae he ~~~~~~~~~~~~ j Patient-Well' He aUI1Red me 10 see you T W M h & S · understand. I . . at er on Dooctor-Dee!) J. FRANCIS REESE. '13, Prop. I des-ll'oys mi,crobes. lll"eathing. yml force W t . t ' ALI. KINDS OF FURNITURE I them l~atlent-B\lt doctor, how eRn I es mms er s to breat'he deellly'/ He......,Sony I 'was detuined. dl.'al·. I BRUNSWICK RECORDS detaine(l ~t a hoard meeting She-l ,(!o"Xl}ect(hey were. Leading Store The Latest Dance Music. I F'urlllle--Do you like my \leW ellgagemen\ ~~~~~~-~~~~~I rl~~~iln'e_DeDfY. it!!' simply a pelleh; when !~_~~ ~~_~ WESTMINSTER. Ml) 1(IOel:!'ltcomeorr~ SEE YOURSEI,F AS 1\ ~~~::~t,f~~:;1j}:,:tf:~o:O;l.~:m., \':::e ::: ::e~~K'OVER OXFORDS WILSON An(l as I meet t.he m(lment when, I ne/\'er cun f€'l}ay yOll, I I tllan,k you tor the borrowed t.en SEES YO\1 \ I ne-ver can repay rOll. I for Men and Women, a New Wide 'foe ·l St d· I She was good, .but Ibad a~ It. i Th d W1son U 10 :'lm~.O;::r!t;~~~n~~i:hs~rke~o~:'en~~('~~I ~in;!!I J. omas An ers 1 He was bad, but good at it.
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