Page 104 - BlackandWhite1924-25
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Page 4. The Gold Bug, Western Maryland College, Westminster, Md. Hnve you seen? ! College Chatter I WEHLER & KING DRUGGISTS The New WALT(·OVER OXFORDS Ii m~I~C'~tM~~~lC~a;t~~I:~:dh~~~~ ~~ar~~~tC~~~~; The Rexall Store Church last week-end. I WESTMINS'rEIl. MP for Men and Women a New Wid Toe Th.(!l'S- was no a~tractl{)Ll tor a number orl ' e f~~~;':,~~u,~~:,:::~~~;~Le~':ee:r-.e~l~d~~t~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ J. Thomas Anders I~~:lft~~j~~:~~~e~~~:~~~~~;~eO~~I~~~.lBeSgt~e~~~1Westminster Hardware Co. m Philo last weunes I The tF'olhes and cnartcts' Revue gave a JOBB~RS IN ALL K1NDS OF snRp)J~ performance COURT LUNCH day l'Ill Zelgfleld WOII\<\surely envy us tor some 010\118\::11_"___ I nlJlIIIFJtS' sur=urs WM. E. ECSHENBACH, Prop I :\inlum Strange made a flying \ lsf t (0 I t;OXn:c.;'rIONEUY. SOllA £\ eW,\IIS I Annaucue Saturday AND 187 E. Main St. ~~~~~~~~~~~~ Got Gilligan had as her guests over the I ~::~lk :ll~~i~j,~~:!r~~lg)I~;~~er Evel vn Bod GEn:UAI.lIAIWWAUE D. S. GEHR I )/]argaret DaVIS spent tne week-and UII S ith & R Of id al pepped Chru-lot te Hall She was qulte onuiuatasttc I nboiu going and much more rm ei sm er she letulned Wholesale and Retail wneu Powder puns helleve they'r-e onIv dream ,COAL HARDWARE I mg. they have been to t~le uuy l\VO nlgtus I LUMBER !lhiS week, n's a great nret Corner Main and Liberty Sis. I you! It'S for Eve rvbody I ~lllaign! i' BUILDING SUPPLIES Weatmin&ter. Md. a-s. John I•. Rei[snlde!' Jr., Ilelighttully ~~~~~~~~~~~~lentertained the member-s It the W. W. Clu,b lIlnLea,thenrternoollof1'ueSday,:\10'}'(j, Western Maryland College I w~.~e t~~C~~:s~o~~e~~~ntSw~ndw~1i8Cl~8~~ I~~~~~~~~~~~~ & S on F A Sh r 51d Is en ! ~:~I~~S:;~,Y.~II~ 7~:~v:~e ;\~t';/r~~~I:~~:')'~~~ • • ar er on u luneheou Tea Room College' ill the are welcomed by cournged me contestants to do their be.'lt J. FRANCIS REESE. '13, Prop. ~\l:,~~~I~~I.l'f~dthem of the SIlIl)IOI'tor the en- WESTMINSTEIl'S BEST STOllE Nusbaum & Jordan une college delivered nrestuent emeritus and of ALL KINDS OF FUIlNITUIlE H. Lewis Dr. 'T. u very Int
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