Page 102 - BlackandWhite1924-25
P. 102
Page 2. The Gold Bug, Western Maryland College, Westminster, Md. THE GOLD BUG l'UTEItS TO GIVE Run To SHIPLEY'S for EATS n~;lH;H'I' l'EIU'OIDIAXCf;, A weekly newspaper devoted .to making come western ~luryhlDd College, a Bigger. Everybody )Jay, rstn. to Alumu! Hall, Frtday HIS HAM SANDWICHES Better rustnuuon. and published evening, We Hay, "A "Anything very special?" ell- creat-e-a You ask. jtne by the students lor the college. un+atnmeru.:' What kin(. O'f'!l program?" 0--0--0"----0 "A play: 'The Whole. Towns Talking,'" CAN'T BE BEAT Entered at Pest omCl' at Westminster, )10:1. Admission fifty cents. as seconu-ciass mail mauer. The play Is given by the college players. Accepted fur mailing at S]leCial. rate of the proceeds to go to the $375.000 endow-I pnst age pr-ovlded fur in aecdon 1103 ~~n~~~~l~iai~~I~~rS~hee\~:l~~~~edV~lea~IZP~ t~ A FRESHMAN DOWN EVERY Act or OC,lobel' 3, 1917. autnonzed point to ill' there. .. I HOUR FROM SEVEN TO TEN ~ ehruar y 7. 1924. We know what. xood actors our college o--~o--o players 'are. and with this entertainment 1-- ~~~~~~~~~~~~ amusing play subecrtpuon prtees by mail JHiya'ble in YOU may Rnlici]!ate a good ~uos~sp~~~:: ~I~eaca!~~~~tol~naanS\l~~tn~~~ Babylon & Lippy Co. anvauce $200 per year 0--0--1)--0 the mauutacnn-ar's WIfe ~11SSKnauffis 3 'J HIi: GOLD BUG SIAl"F typtea l :\ils JlggS wh Ie :\1158 Bell thetr Roland WIlson _6 ~fallaglng EdItor daughter leads the \lfe or a modern tiup- FLORSHEIM SHOES Massey, as a movieI '~' Hlam S. V(~,'f'Y . ~d~tol.1 :~elem~~ll~~~l~fn:StoBI~I:\e~~a~a~~e~?J S~l~(~~ STETSON HATS verve LeWIS. _5 .. , .nssociate ~(htOl arrows at him. )liss George ~"'l. Benuer . .cs ssoctate E:lH-D1" I ~tal"nnd Hawkins as a movie director should. '" . Dorothy Beachtey. '~6 .. .. , .. News IiJllitol' make R,.l:it i.n their P~I·tS. ~.Isses Mat[h~~'S International Made-to-Measure Sutts Gilmore Llppy. '27., ... .Newe Editor and Priuhnt-d , :>i1eSS1S. Gar-rett and RICh- O .. \[00, Garrett. '21> .' .Alh'leLic I~dj.tol' tn~~~~ a~;~lo;U~i~::f:f~;l ~'~I;h~r~~lows'tart to Heavy Wool Sweaters Of ~~~~~~~~~~~ tjerurdlne Prih:hard, ".!6 Athletic gditor fI~lish. "A Bull in a China ShoJI'" is a quiet I Grippsure Basket-ball Shoes $3.00 W. BIllIard \Var(l, '26 ,BU!).iness Ji.lgr. p~ct\lre when CO,lll!l'aI'eliw,th the ~cr~pes Lewi~ K. Woodward, '27. ,.AijSL Bus. \!gl'. Snnmolls and Bmlley. l = Hobert Unger, '~7 " C!rcul~tlon ,\!gr. WIWS'I't:1I PH. mYISG AXSOrX('t: I "J 0 H N " l'ho:mls 1!. Eaton. '27 .... AssL Cll·c'n. :\lgl" ('ON'I'ES'I'r\X'I'S I Professor G. S, Wl!ls Ftl.cully Advisor 1he anlu~J mlel Soclet) oratorIcal con-r Ever ready lest to be-he.ld commencement v-ee:t Ibet\\een Very courteous un ES'I t'H:'i U \U\ 1,,\'111)" Ithe t\\O hte-IalY soeletvs Will haH' Its usual Errorless attentIon Western Mal lall(\ Is ~ name- v-llich Is eloquent olatols We know that It Will b~1 Right style deal 10 the hell~ts of thoussntls-!\l;lll} u{ a haLl} contested battle for all the repre- H tt them Sc:stteled 1'1 the IOIIl COlnels of lhe sentatl,es are expel ence,1 !\len on the A islr cu Ing hilt we ale quite aUle I ~~: ~1:lIeds~~~e~blle(r~~llle~el eC!~nsf)~I~le il~~lll sl~~e soc:lelles have not beeu ~s actIve lills , R az~rs honed onglu and SlIll:e then Dl2n have v-olke,\ nll- }eRl as III the past Tomes ~e~lS~lIg~V~:lC~l:OC1~1~11;}fu J ;u~le;hOl~~~e~~e~1 ~~l~~~~l~~r~~~l~:;v~;:~~d! ~l°:-vo~l~at:l~n The Only Barber and Bobber at the student!! hele I)lel Jl. 0,1 ,0 liun\. ,r the, tOI} can tlelel d\.e. I Forks ~~~~taf:e lh:!. ~~ ~~Ir~u~~o~~s tl~~lt \~:~lf~~n~~~ , St~\~ab:t~e\V~'lLk~~1:l~(rl'~~I,I.~~d~~{e;~~t~~~s0; souls (Jf young men anll women in harmony I Rolall(l WJl.son, Hu'bel't Jchn~on. irvinll; CHARLES KROOP with Gad. or tra'n'lIg the minll fo!' n keener will have H$ "old standl.J:e~" G. ~lcDonald I appreciation of lile. and greater service lOIOanet,l. anu Wllla!'(! Hawkins. Leading Shoe Repair Shop one's [ellOWS; of rea~hing, through the t Both socie:le.s will feel the loss cf ]low- :~=~h~:~!~)~e~:sS~~\ltL~~;II~~~'ISou~u~nl~:l:u~~~ir;l~1~~ftlh:i~~ i~li~\'~~:i~~~.~~~~:~'~lt~~i~~eS;~~~ 2;j Enst !lInin Street them wlth the "We~tern .~Ial·yland SP_l'il;"' ~lies, on account 01 being sp,n:ors. Webstel'l For College Students Only: :~l:/:~:,d at 0111'disposallhat we m:!)' pr&fit : will ~~ssrt'~~~S~'le~al~rad~~I~!I;~lCh~I~'el~;)(~ ,Men's soles and Goodyear R. heels A true Western ~lsrylalllier sh-Oll\(\ uI~d Irving lose.!! Charles Blall (carliel·1 $1.50 doe~ play (uir aud square al all times, i~ ,been a ..thorn in We.bster'S side" ~~:C:~U?;I,al~~.e~~:.~e\~~t~;~t~;~~~~~~\:::nu~~\~~i mOl'e once___ i Ladies' soles and Goudyear R. heel_;; ~~fdoSr~~~enV~~;;I~'r~ll:~\'SeCvhe~Or,)l(!c:saud UPI KI'l'l'HI-:S laUIH'I' K()S('En'll! $1.25 When we enroll h~re it is up to liS toi The' Y. W. C. A. or West~rn :'I'ial'y\~n(II~~~~~~o~~~_~~ support the Ideals of our seh",v!. By eOIl-· College takes great pleasure III presentmg 1- sta.nlly aHeralil g 1-0 the. i-deals 011 which, the Kitchen Knblnet K·:m(;el't. to Ihe people "E~hlbll!lh ..d 18(1;>" ~!Iea~c~~tw::~;h f::;:;~~~i~lv~~'~lest~;:~~I:le:h~ ~: ~:S~~:~I;~;,r'tl~i: ~!I:;-S~~Y81l~~h\I~1aYT~2~'THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK I'eal Western );lal'ylander. ! &rga,nization 1I11iteallcce3~rlllly put on its I OF WESTMINSTER We are now in a pO~itiOll to shvw our performance at the college. anll w:,shes to apprecl!ltion W Ollr her:tuge 1ainstreet. 'George R. Gehr, Cashier,
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