Page 99 - BlackandWhite1924-25
P. 99
The Gold Bug, Western Maryland Colleg~, Westminster, Md. Page 3. YE OM: 'I'DlE J)A \'S CO~I-'EKEN.'CE Westminster Jewelry IN1'En •.8'l'A'rE J WOOD t'onEK'1' A'r SHtat-1 There i,e a legend, that vearu anti yean! ___ I ago t\lings were not as they are today. men W. ,U. Hns Second were moral; LlIl'gest those days yonn,g Shop Inter-State 'l'nllning Oontqrence UelegaUIIII. lIn grew n~ou5taches. In t,hose [~ays the girls sang ":VlyBoonie," and The jOint Y. '~1.C, A. and Y. W. C. A. they played croquet, from Mary- lund and Delaware wae held last Friday, were Iuacscented vtrgtus without ankles Saturday and -Suuday at Sherwood. Forest. I or ahouldera, who acted charades' with II Announcing an up-to-date 'l'hose that planned this convention could gr-eat deal or giggling and blushing, to hardly have pteked' a morel' propitious place whom 'a k·iss was the great adventure, lind for surroundings lind de'l1cacl,oo.-Eapecially who 'prayed. III those tlnys the trombone . MUSICAL DEPARTMENT on Sunday did the W. :\1. C. delegates feel was dignidled solo instrument and patent aympat hetlc upon their fellow ccueages as' medicines. were trusted; necking received seated people strug:gled along \lJU1\llicltyand were AND they Sherwood Forest to a hig cntcken dinner. no without the enltghtentng influence of col- summer is an excjustve I resort where golfing and swimming are the legiale wu. In these days prominent men OPT.ICAL DEPARTMENT I mail) Sllor,ts, In zact Sher,wood Forest haa had high nets. collars, and ideals; prtze- a new golf course that Is, .prO'ba.bly one or fighters were courageous and national the eeat in lhe eonutry. 'Phis place is laid heroe-s; and prices were reasonable. In ] those days who alive th,ere were out peopte as nearJy a's nceatbte 011 the same ptane SA'I'IS.',\C'rlO~ G(JAIlAN'I'Et:D I a'S the Sherwood Forest in Englund. There Ihad aeen the sunrtse. not l:tdore they went o are numerous cottages with th-e very rarest to bed, eut atter they had risen In the n \'ovn MOl'\EY BACH ,::;~ri!~~~~f~e:{U~~ill~l~lI~I:I~~ll~e~s~r~~e I~:t~ ~~ol~~nfher~~ ~:l~s\~ai:o~~ ~~j~;:'l~~:;' ::: WESTMINSTER 5c,~ 10~ STORE ~~'~lk~\~~r.m~~'~t~;nl~lCi~O~~~~!S!:etc~:c~~:; e:~~re ~~~ t:;lat~'O~'I~~tI~~al:r~te:~ev~~~ ~od 67 E. Main St. Westminster ~l~l~hl;~~I~lJnut~~6a!1l~I~h;i~;:e°O~~l'g~I;~~r~::,~~~~~r~~~~l"~efro:l~e~l~~i(!e~;I"~n~n~a~f~.hl:~= next door to ~Oll'al·d Round Bay. fore Bell Hecht and Illovie kisses, anll ·l)e- Westminster 'Meat Market The opening uudress :It the con·fel'ellee fore Olll' pf!.rents had become our parents Elliott Spear, .chaplain of Lafayette aUll bero.!"e Lhey had COllie to realize their Same Goods at I;ower Prices. College. !VII'.Speal' I'S a recent graduate resl)Qnslhillty JOI' llle morals, (If the fol- ~~~~~~~~~~~~ I ~~fa~,I~I;:'~~t~~~1I'~1l~011~$ea7itein:I~:I\lC:~~IPl~!lowing generation - - - real''!! and reOTS" "New Star Theatre ~1;~~~eO~'TheT~fll"i:t[II~I:;e!SSSO~i~~IOI~nOn"::::::I W. JlI. TAKt:S I'Ot;CO~1) PI,,\l't: 1.,,:, ... S ~nI11'I)n.s." 'rhe aS8oc!atil111 .ShOUld repre-\ (('OlltlIJlIed !rum IUlJ,:."1l one.) UE, 11'\1', :11 A r ••th. sent the church on tlHl CJmIHlS. "Upon ellch St ,johns College, , 5c, 10c. 15c, un'\! 25c" individual "Y" memlle-T falls the duty of a Alternated. One Day O~~,YOOLIS~~n~lli!(tl~~l,~Ill€rstinein f;lI"l~~t~:al~ih~::=\~Od:\~'i':l.~h~I~.t\~~l~a~eCr~:~~;, ~•.e~.r iI;';C~·~e~~.:::·U~i~~:;~~I~ttl~1~~.\':;~: Pathe Comedy in two reels "ARE B'LOND.!!: referred to the !a~t WOl't1a.of Christ in St.1 Willard Lee Hawkins .. " W. Md. College. :\fEN 10000SlHF'UL." ~nO~~'~:"Whal Is that 10 tllee? Follow Ihou .I. (L Lynn_:.."...:.~~ ..:..:...St. Johns College, Wt:HNt;8VA\" ."~n' 8th. It Is ~aidlhui. simplicity of speech and ofl :'iE'I'.1It::'\' 'l'U I'I,A\' ')'HUEI:: .'U1'L'III::S One ,Day; O:l~: 16c. l'5c and ~f~~t Gibson in :~~n;:.~~el~ul::~:;k~'/:c;r:~~11::~ll~'d~11~Y~~~t~h~~ The' ~ars\tv tenn's leum wi'il pIay three "I,E'l' 'f:n IIUCK" thought and lhe range of his' vls,ion mllst this' week. Tho(!first on'll wit! b~ This- they saY' 18' th€: hesl p:ctnre HooL expect .gl'~at things' or him In .Ihe future us played with Ge-tlys,!Jurg Colle~e on the ever mllde. Come and see It and Judge fol' well ~~ 1~1 the pl'es-ellt. Wllh clenl'ne~S' "BaHlefield boy'~" courtS, Well.nesduy after- yourseLf, and sl1n'pllcHy he presenteu l~ four short noon, On Thurwav Po,~omac Slute School Also "FA'SIT 8XP1ltlnlled(rom Iflll';',1l one.) . ____ U::Jthell' subjecl [or d:scuss,!on: "Religious. helongs tile honor of ,1)l"loaillg back to Co.- t'IlIlHY ANI) SA'I'UlUM \', .\1,\ \' S & II. Illl(!e.tlngs and dls~ussion grollps." The lege Hill 11 flr~t plll?e gt.U m~dlll. hn,\ng D. W, Griffith Jlresent~ hiS masterpiece prohlem of "h!ef concern was the finding won lile HQ-yflru Sjll"lu,t. Jf)hnSUll wa~ also "1'U~ InH'I'H OF A :,\,A'I'IO~" of various ]JraCtlcal solutiona of CllmllUS au!" high s'core mun. The :\OllieRelay team. 'The Plc~ul"e that will Ii\'e as long as problem",. A l'ejlreseotuU"e of each college c~mllos-ed of .Peterson. Quinn, Sp-elcher ~lI,d the nut'ion. 15c, 2>5c.and 35c, suggested a pI'oblelll which wa~ of Vit'1I11 LIPPY came ll\ s~.con,d plact', ....11.11.'.111.'11'1- Abo as an added attraction William F'ox imparlanCe III Ille campus life or tlleir dell) "aptured Thll'[j III the.. 'Jlle. :pl'es-e!IlS a SUllsblne Comedy IFClloo!. The loader, u \'eLeran Y. :1.1. C. A. Tile CI'cell !IIH! G,)I,I fiel~l-lllen, thJll\'{h "ROARIN,G f..IONS A'I' HOIilE" I\",orker nt ,Johns Hopkin:':!. \I''I\~ able 10 offer 1nOI Ulklu'l;"allY hl'sts. ccnll'l'llulNI hair 01 If it Is II good picture you wlll see It at many valun,llle suggestions und to give our points, '~1cRC'b~-eami Slewart each lhe New Star, Watch :vJonduy's shows. Iimpetus to ,furth~r thOong-ht on most of ploced In the shot-put, ")'l:1c" tal,lllg seeo.r,d Next week' ..~~1~\r~~E~.~,eSday , t;:·~!!e~~s \\~!~f~I:lgl:~le:~~'wa~e;;~leit>to~'~li~~l1~: ~:~~~'~~~~~';l;~'Utl~h~'i~~~r~h:lll{\/g~lu~~ni~c\~\l~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~I~~l~lll1~03:!t~~;1:t\l;;~nl: t~;_~\~l~~'at~:na~ a lhlrd bel'lh In the RUllning BrOllll jumll. " KA TZ ", I ~~I\I~oO~k:lvt;f;\O~orth~~~f1~eJ~ll~~I(lstl~~~;~~ VINCENT VALIANTI ~ Need fOl thlnllill; thlough )eHglou~ Style Tailor 111cblellls 4 Giv'ng loclltJollal Il'fOllllallOll Fil'at Class \\ 0) k nEl>Allt8 800.:8 5 Training students 01 secUlmg students Illth adeqnate .Ill \It} to hpnll dl~CI1"'~IOll T1IT IUf.IIT \\',\Y I SIOIlI)!!
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