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THE GOLD BUG Vol. 2, No 25 Western Maryland College, Westminster, Md. May 5, '25 ...~,~~i~r:o.~::~~~~.wF~:~~~~nTb.1pa~'K~~",~,~~:~:~~:O~~,t:.~a~:,Y.1R,b~"~:..~~n~~~~:HI~~~~~e~.""3.2 Si!r~:d~~~~n~~ntl~~a~~~~~ ~~a~lel':';n(~,~e~~; at~~~at~.~~rcS~veI\1h aunual or'A~~~:~t ~~~~~~na~J~t~~~eth~a~~t!el~l~~~ juutore 7 to 3. Juniors show need or bal-' May 1 t tob Un~.est 'Y SS I!fe'I~1Fn~aYd nl~hL bu!!-toSS€I'S of Lebanon Valley. Aftel' one tin;r:s~a~~r~eia~~i:y~~;l~t:~ng~::ee~econ'dIi:~~~~!:'fll~['p~~i~i~~~O~f!oy~:a;f~~.~;=1.~faU;;di!~~i:~~~~~es~;:el~~7Iki~~sot!!~l~ ~~~ll'~:d~~~r!:agm!~~rt~~~l~g°r~r ~~~leJ:;n;~~s~I~,t~I~~t:'~~e~~\\'~\I~~ B,e O~;y~~.}~I~~ap~ou~~~:~=~lt:n(\a~t!el~~:g~IO;~r:n~a~~/~~ec~~anr; ;~~eri;~n:~:::~ c~~~es ,~~c~f ~~~~fla~~. t~~:~er~~~~r,p~~co~~~~~~~~i~~ ~:~:~ai'led:'~~ '~~l~s'f'~:~~r~~j\~r~~aen~rl'~~~'~~t~~!~i::~~; i~~::er~u~~~nl~~e:'=r~e~~;r~dw~t~~t~el~ l~l::; ~~)~{es~~tsehd'njntth~ c~ntest ~e~'~ ~t. sJc~~S ~~~r~~~~iS::~n~~:n:::,j~fl~bi~:l::a,~e:h~~~~l:: ~~~I;h~n!'~I~~~~~'fO'!?~:~~~~~;~~et~e~o~~a::: J~C.~hSTor ~t.g ~~hn~OI~.~~~~~.onTh'?~~:rty;': ~~~~c::n!fif~~ t~:w~:~':l~'~~ and accepted his ~~lm~h~uk:~!~i)~~1~!h~~~:~e~JI~~~Ol~I~~~ch:~~~oIJ\:ge, 'g!;e ?~~~n~:~\~~I\.eO;rn~na;.?in'gton af~ll~eb~~I:~O!:I.S~f~·~,~'~1'It~li~;~el~'it:et~:c~~~l pulling ugamenrs in Ashburn's leg. A~h- Of tile twenty-seven contests which have Inuing. Clark st.nuck ou:, but Kelbaugh ourn was cur for tbe teet ct the game. Cap- ueeu held, Weste:-Il ':'olaryland has- -wen first caug:ht one on the no.;e that was too bot fOl' taln Benuett tiren took t,he helm pitching' ?!' second ,place III nil hut,fOllr. I'J'b~'ma- G~Hre'!'t,an(l dent'oo the rtl'b.!Jer on Long's for t,he JunIors. with Hurley catching. Go\XI- JOI'lty O'~ ~h-ese.ha\·e heen fll'~ oI.l1a'ces. Last thrrf:e~baggel'. ,Le:banon knotted the count hand was !'aUI'll!! in the tHtb and Osburn year ()hn:or{~ RIchmond' won second place, in tlieir hair o-r ,the sess;(m when Piersol ;~~~~!~f~~c~~~O~;I~te t~:n;~~ulors to three ~~!~o?I'S~a~~f~'itr: ~~~~. c~rtu~;:~y~1~d~lrs~ ~~tl;n~~~c~~I~e~~tC~:dIn~~'ldL~I::;,1e~o~i~~~w~::~ The game was a hal'd toug,hotgame to thoe fOlmer studeu-t of Wes1eru ,;\hirylan:d. This the bali around looking [01' n place fOI' it ~~~S~;wryB~~'let~~r~~ti~,owed ,that they had ~e~~:~\l:!r~da~~v;i:~~r~~ ~:~'~I~l~!~g:~\\:~~ ~~ /;~:;foi\~rt'he~~\n~I~~n.~J~h;I~II\~~eto~I~~i~ "fhre@-gamEs. will b~ ,plaYEdthis week; on take. part in the' co.n.test awl a great deal of slI'cnfice- and Clark'"", m,scne on Pierce's ~~~;!d,~f~y~a~r;~~y .t~~'a~el~ifl~SS~~~o~SoP~~~(ig~:~~t~~~~.gSa~~1,~~s\~~a~~~~~:lhe ~:;:~~ :~;ll~'~~. LJehe!tr~I~ll:~:e~i,tat~e~f~~~~·~:,a~ Juniors- phn; S.:.tu!'day, ~lllV 9th. Jllni()l's men-l who&-e.bead at 'prese-nt is Professor mean rolle)' that too'k a nasty hall over and sophom'ores plav. Tht>~ game9 sholl)el Wills. U~otOlnl dome. Rich'ard!:l admllced Oil rurnish SOOle int~n:es.lng am'IISe-menl. so :\011'. Kelbaugh was alternate last yoor and 'fInn's Silicide, ~nd casha{l-in at lhl' counL- ever)llbody come Ollt and ;back lh!'lr team. has represented \\'e'bster LIterary Socien' lng hlock on' Ut'oton's: nightmare with a for !'I1I'ee yeal's as: an orator, and in all hard hil hounder. J[;'NIQRS ab h I' FlRiElSHt:'lllEN ab b I' threb4 1 1 Cotton, 2b, 4 0 0 his ora'tion "A Greater Brotherhood," he final markel' in thoe S'eve.n.!l. :'oJeni'l\ tlal- Jones, cf 3 0 1 Forbll's, c. 4 0 0 traeed' the e\·olution of governments, begiu- [illg for ~;Jark. lofted' out. KeJ'baugb hit BennEitt. 3lJ. P. 4 0 1 Cnq)enter. 3b. 3 1 0 ning wIth the Athenian p:ure democracy in La right. Long deSittn&l to red,eem ·his' work Bona, 2b 4 1 0 Osborn, ss. p. 3 2 0 which Ihe ideal of Li.berty was predominate, ill the field .and clo.uted hi~ .second ex:ra- Weach. S9 4 0 1 Summers. cr, 3 0 0I through the a:l>solute monarchy uuder I~as~,'blow for LWO"ael,s, Ke~bang,h (;heck_ Stewart, lb, 4 1 1 Beunett, lb. H, 2 0 1 Caesar, tn which Union prevlliled. men-Im g In. ABl)l>urn, c. 1 0 0 R(jberts. If, 21b 3 1 2 tioning the ~ra of Feudalism in 'Which The W, 11.-Le,lJanon Valley game was a Hurley, p. c, 3 2 1 Burroughs, I'f, 3 1 0 neither UI\)el'lr nor Union was notieoeah'le,I part of ~he latter school';; b~g .Ilay Day !~~ian~ls~rlt ~ ~ ~ ~~~:I~,~Ild'.Il' ~ ~ ~ ~;,l~~e~1e;~:~:.t~~o~~~~:~~:~~ernn~~:~~ha~b~~~ ~a~~~I~~va~;,~:~: I:.~\t~nl~ ~e~l~~aa~~~gwa~~ter- Veaaey, rf, 2 1 0 Horine, lb. 0 0 0 principles o'f Lltlerty and I'hrl'ors 'fllke TllIrd Plll~e III Inler.COoI. PI'O!jlram. The honor system at We8tern )1ary.[and leglnle Meet. ;\'1nsiC , ,.,. University Ol'chestr!! was thE: su,bjec'L or d:sCIl~sion at the "Y" U'lldaunted II}' the con!!tant rain 'which Addl'es~ of Welcollle,Prealllelli A. I~. Woorl~ meeting Wellilesduy evenIng. Ai,tel' a few soaked l'he grollnd and slow'll\\ up the track ~~I~!il~n,8.e ::.' univreo/~it~' 5~ct::;~~~ I~.~~(fISl;gatl;.~~~!·renbil~:~t;;~~IL~Ol~n~~!~Ir;~~'~~~ at -the BaJt[mJr~ Stadium. Westertl )Iary- Orlltlon-"Llving and LearnIng," sys1enl lI'a~ introlluca,d for general discutl- Jand's conteslant~ rolled lUI) 20 points )11'. 'I', H. Owen Kniglll, sion. It was suggested lliat we do not cllpl>uring third place. This was the first Washington College. h'av,e_'the sY6~emhere and th.e gen('rnl senti- Illte\'-Come'~late :'ole(!tin the ,State aud wa~ Oratlon~"1'he Law :'Ilust I!e Obe'yed." Inent 131'01'ed the sU'S'.ge~110n. Do(!s the held lIn,der Ihoe allspices or the )'1arylnnd :'111'. OIarke Bench. Students and FaCli'lty trus, euch oiile!'? Ct>;) , hono.r syst.em. (CltlljfUlit'd 011 pnll'@thrl'C'.)
   92   93   94   95   96   97   98   99   100   101   102