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THE GOLD BUG Vol, 2, No 26 Western Maryland College. Westminster, Md. May 12, '25 J ester ~;'t~~::~:S~~~~~~~~:~~I"• $~~5T,O~O i "'~,~~~~~r,,~~~~D.~,n:"~~~.O~,"~:~"" I>Nlslt~nt Wurd AI~ .. Slleliks ~'()r t;)UUllIligU. I I nnd lJ. S•. Un,nlles In seeOlul gume 1.0. POWder PutTs gave a I N t M T' W'th J 't 'I'buraday night, from se-ven to eight. th€ I Ulg l.eRgue nl~1I~Iayetl or W. :U. In jjnuble I ~~e~!i.dB:~lt\~~~.~',O;':y:rn~~\eS~~~~~I~I e ~ en Ie I uOIaa ueuuer With iUerrllSI,I.rring. and ccneze Jesters )J1~rllle~. ",'JuLIn IIn,1 ~'~ra;;::l!t~;Il"ri~!?\~~~te~~U(I~1~tl~'I:I~~'~a\~~I, . --- II Lh;~:~(\~~11t!,~~a~~'ll~~lnd~~u~:~l~~OI;~O~ict~~; the old "Alma Mater." This was their I nuodwllrtl s Jlllt,ch J,otkpil 'J'ourIUlJlIcnt stuck ull,der her ueu. and a great amount 3·a. lnitfa l appearance before a radto aunteuce or prestIge earned at th~ expense or the ~~lu~~~~~~~l!~f:~s th~n~lum~b:;r~~jat~i~!~r~l~~ we~'~~~b:aV~~~t;I\~~~i~ t~~~, ~~t~~~~r~~~~ I ~~II~~S~~a:~i~g:~~~ ?ou.~n~~(f·s~a;~h:t G~~~~~: ~~t)lln~~n~~nfb~~' ~;!t dr~~ii~gr~~\~afOn~rl~~;n~~~1:;:I~t:ef~oP~I~~18?;:tanl~ni:~3dr~~:~~:~~':1~8m~::I :I~I~~~~~l~~e ~1~;~~hi~~~nOgm~~:~l~~'~~er~~the termer students. trtenda and e'en perfect eurllng In a three-three draw, Thong'h our I Things LOOka different turn on Friday. struJlgers kept pouring III telegrams of ,boys were handicapped by a long anti de- coach Shroyer shook up his line-up, and eo~~~~~~~.tI~~Srda~~II'~:~!t1~!~hi~S~Plring nd- ::i:t~1t\:'!l:; :~·I~~~I~\~%.ta~~~t~~~~f~~\t:;e~~~~~ I ~~~:·g~oIt::ca~n/oan~u~~rr~~~~a.;~~tSy ~~::~ dress in the Interest {)ofthe Great Pinuncta l fore the meet they showed ueuer form than Sl{JP fOI' two years, was nut ,ba~k into the Lampaign for $37:>,Ui)Ofor Orencer western the Peunaylvantaus. line-lip at hls. old position. Merrill pitched :'lInryland. He c.:llled on all former studenls, Shanahan playing n.umber two man ensily 11 gre~l game, and with lhe aid of sOllJe alumui. friencls c.f the (ol1e~e, devoted clefealecl Daley, one ct Juniala's fonr lellel timely hitting by Kell.taugh. Long and Gar- parent;;, good Cili'l.ene aud aN' mal.era of athletns. ill a fast .lie!. The first of our ,boys retl. too~ lhe measure of the "Devil Dogs." hlstory it rise"to tbe support or one of the to g'o down was IBryant. Hi~ rlereut was not Artignltll. fO:H1d his 0:<1 place. back or the gro!1test CampaIgns in all history; an op- dnt.' to any Interior IYlaYlng. but "Curly J)at to hiS liking and contt'louted some portunity to contrib,ute to the development Locks" as Slim was popularly c!llle-d by th.e phenomenal wOI'k ul(lng wilh Perry, who or 'he great ({ whkh actually determine spcctators. Becmed to h,a've a service which exchan~ed .p'l.aces with him at first. Captain Lhe future of ollr nation, namely, the educa- the umpire culled nn Illegal one: Bryant C1"r,k lllstll'llllg thllt old fighting zip allct [iOtl, mentallY. ]lhysicallv, mOI'ally ~t1d llluyed real tennis hut hY the atd of the pell that brings the team ont 011toll. ~jliritually ol America's Youth. umpire, Hurlock, hi,s opponent 11'01\ the Satllrrlay's game was a masterpIece of the The program or the eVf'nlng was as fol- mUlch, P.arr played Juninta's first man'l art of playing ball. Byham llitched a master- l,~ws: captain, ~~1Jls,[hou;-h he was not oUl.playoo, fill g-ame and tJ.tserved to win. He got a The Strauss Waltz .. " .... " Pownel: Puffs ".Iaki," harfing the ,breakS' against him, was tough hren,k When the .\IJarlne len-fielder Go 'Long Mule WJison & Stotiesifer drsand se,nt It rldiug The End of the Roud " ... ' Jester Quadet Bryant "stepped out" anti decisively de- ave I' Kelbaugh's head fOI"tile cil'cult. Arter EstudiauUna .. " ", .. I'oll'(\e.r Puffs reuted Daley and Hurlock. Woodward and I (liat. it was a matler of gire and I"~ke.Only ~:I~~: (~~:{;8t~H~~t~~~1~1I~~~' &; 'st!I~~f::I~ ~I~~vk~in~dl'Ojlped .the:r tloubles to I!:llis and ~.I~~a~lilt~'lT~(~.J:i~n!~~.~ ~~p~~oCr~e~lh~b;ill~~\~ , .. , Assembly Alma )laler Ir tbe t(}urnnment 1I'0uid he lost or if the Encore "The End of the Road" .. ,. Quartet 1 outcome of the.Woodl'.'ord and Funk singles. I h' b.v theil' mates. Old "By" lI'a~ JUSt It Entire on the victim or one o-f the so-called'S a Lark In My Heart,. "hreaks." Powder Pufl's soore would be ti~d. now. depended when one Perry was lait! low In lhethird 'l'he Swan It was already past sundown when lhls of O'Nell's ,fast ones canght him (lover the The Four-Leaf Clover " Powder Pufl's \lIost interesting- and most spectacular I heart. All X-ray picture showed' a broken Follow the SwnUow ., .. , ". Quartet match or the tOUl'nament was ill Its infancy. rib. However, It is expected Illat this D~~~o: e~~errt~Cl~:~I~l:ul~1'th~:n~~rOegr~~e:::! ~~~o~ll::aT~~o~.~~st f~~id:~t~/e., ~~~...t hl:~a!:l~t ~: ri~-h~I~~~:'!l~e~~~'.nti~!~l~~~l~e rformer wIll President A. N, Ward; .single qua net, \V\I- lost a single's match th1s season. ;\'lerril was the yiclim 'If n funny onp. in :~I1'p~~~e~::~~;~I;~~;gce~t1(~~dll:;:~;' ~l°a~~'i Pan' (W. 11.) 1~~lsn~l:i~ated by ElliS! (.n,! ~~~~~~;~:~1;~II~;a'IlW~~~~e\\~~I'dt.hehi~ctca~)!:~~ Barne-s. KitlY Bryan. Thelilla Comley, 6-1. G-4, oyer his eyes, und he was forced to loh the )larlon Curling. Althea Davis, Blanche Ford, Shannahan (W. :'If.) (\"reated Daley (,J), bull up, cllllsing a big laugh, Kathryn Hatton. Grac3 Jones, .B.uth Jone~, 2-6, 6-3. 6-4. The Terrors )lIllY Wa<;hington C()!lege at Velva Lewis. Dorothy "'1~AI)Jlne. Betty No)'- Bryant (W. :\'Ll was deCeated by J-I1l!"-Chestertown Wednesday. nnt! Gettys,burg at man. :llargaret ne\t1lck~r, Ruth Schlincke. lock. (J), 6-4. 3-6. 6-3. Gettysburg Saturday. Rosalie Smith, :'I1ab£>1Smith, Anita Spedden. , Woodward (W. :-'i,) tlereated Funk (,I), liel~dJllg 1I1Itor~. Elizabeth Tober, Mary Page Turner. Rutll ,!-6. G-3, 7-5. GJ'OlOn .i)OO,Ar;igi~ni .374. Perry .~51. Jo~rench.and Dorothy Gilligan. DOT1bl.e.~. I Long .;)24. Young .301. j';elltal\gh .211. an(1 ___ .___ Woollwartl,and Hawkins (W. :-'1.)~'ere cle- Cnnett .201. ,~ '!'HP. AWr I~EC'l'lTlft:S fe!~t~~ln~I~I~I~ISa~~{l:rU~~t(·~~\t~·,6-dereated '" . ,I'kk UII~. le7t~~~e~r~)~~ist:eTI~~~~~O~r ~1!~S~~~~~ld1:~: Daler and HurlOCk (il. 6-3, 6-3. ) ball~e\'~/t~g~w~l~l:eU~:~fe~fl~~~.~:~~ c~~~~:~ Wl:'dne~day nl,ght In Lewis hall. The sub- yells-Hey! get off your knees ane! play ject was: "The Development of Paintingll:' In Baker Chapel. She is well quali:flecl 10 I ball! showing the el'olnt!onary dlltn',(es in techni- conduct lhe course and is a very interestiug I --- que and subject matter .as evidenced In 1"(;' speal!er. Although the attendance at the- 01' fighting ';Arti" on coaching lines presentall'Ve rep~cduct!o~S of palutings lectures has not been very lnrge, al'l those raises Ire of Marin£> rooter. Benny ret-orts [rom foremost arhst-s: :-'11SSThomp8(}n. 'an pN'sent have thoroughly ~n'oyed them. It and Is told to "go opeu up a restaurant," alumnus -of ";estern Marrland. painted the Is- rUlllored Ihat Dr. Ward is arranging for Benny proceed~ to op'en up, !lui uot II rcstau- rellJ"(lril1ction of "'I'h£> Ri('!t YOlltl):"Rnl!'r" n lnr~IlI' <'Ollrs!' r()f next year, . rant.
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