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The Gold Bug, Western Maryland College, westminster, Md. Page 3. Westminster Jewelry I Y.,ILc. A. I, ('o"",:0>' cmeren wertueeday evening, :'Ilr. Clemson, a me.m· I We h~~~n~::::~;1l~?I:l:ltlmg!ll;'OIl~~on re- ber of the Carroll C,ounlY B:ar. at westnun-I cujcrute trom her operation ,lor nppeudl- Shop A~ ~~::tl~~~er~~~n~I~~~;onat Isth! cuts. nnd r-etur-n to college hill gr-aduate or w.. Vl. and bas been practlclng ] Dr. B. B. James would like to know when Announcing an up-to-date la w ror nearly a quarter of a century. HI:' I' the Powder Puffs will be in Baltimore ~~~(~(~'~~:e~~wYl~~ll~~::!~'o~lie:r·th;·rle~~~ U:Rln. He enjo~ then. lu hls descrtntton of college life we ··Y. :VJ'"~ antI "Y. W."' to oe represented at MUSICAL DEPARTMENT I could see .that it is very euntlar today. He the Annual Inter-State Christian Aseocte- gave a bnef summar-y of the a("~ion taken uou 'PI'alnlng to be held :'IIay 1-3 at .sner- !by the students In promotlng fairplay und wood For-eat. Those r-ejn-esenttng the "Y AND I i~~~?!;t~p~~m~~ga~~e st~~~[!~~t~'hemH:s al~rge~~!~11·;;e~~·eD:~II~::JI~rll~~~~I~II~~·m;~~th!O~I~I:~~~ l-sent1al tor el:ery student III ~~ool antI; ers wIll be anrou Spea,r, Cuaptntn La- OPTICAL DEPARTMENT later ure. sue talk was very much ell-I' Payette Oonege. who wlll give lWO ad- joyed by tne rfe!!ows. dresses. I II>L1\rt:IlS ,\~S~ SA1'rSFAC'I'10~ (WARAN'I't;n) Fn.ES~UIEN ~;'~jISIlEJ) Pm'lf Celebration A.l·ound uonure. , HAL'l'IJIOJn: IIEU'"'I' On YOUU~TONt:r BACK On Monday even in". ApI'l] 19. at ten r'errnnn AI Odd }'ell()w~' 't'empte i~~lt~;li ~;~IO'~~at~!\~.u~;:n~~~~a~el~~~~~~~.1 ?l;I an~a~o~~\:~·d~lf~~~e~~l~et~~e~.OI~~:;~ :l;~~~~'~ WESTMINSTER 5e & tOe STORE lhe danclug light of the bonnre near M(;- ance in Oalllmore at the Orld Fellows' 67 £. Main St. Westminster e~:~:~~sH!:;~e~~~s l~:Ol~ll,~~ej~ud(l~:;~:;:~~/~ ;:'i~.I~'~~\~·1l~~h.~li~O\~:~:e 1~11?:S~~,~t.e(~I~:;.~rO~ll~~ n xl d or t ing actioll~ or various Freshmen, carrying act ~omed:es. '"A C11l"lstlllas Sllime," lly e 0 0 I' out their Ind,iVI([Ufil pal"ls of the Pl"ogl"um.. \Jal"g·aret Dameron. and "Looking For :.vt:ol"e," Westminster Meat Market nrranged by the SOpllOlllOre$. br 'Clilrellte :vIjJnsfteld Lindsllry. Both were Same Goods at Lower Prices. SO~I~~n:;;'r~m~;'assowae:l~~UI~l~:(~ld~;; ~~fl~:~~1\~'I~.II:es~.tlll.~:~l~\~~lt~ ~~i~Sa~~\~gan:III~1r:flr:ll:l~ features. FIrst came selectiolls from the gins headeil for t.he ··Va· Players."' tICkling the I .\1!". Bettou A SPElCIAL PACKAGE ol"che~tr!l. "Pappy" B.obenson. '\Iessrs. BryanL I voice ])laying with o)lposlle deep alH! resonant h~s tonch. kepL the a masler's '\Hss of ~lanJo with syncopating 011 Ihe violiu~. alJ[Eence ill continnal luuglltt'l' Kanfi' an,1 .lohnson WHITMAN CHOCOLATES "II>'ey" COttOIl jazzing the saxophone, nnd The Pow,ler Puffs glll'hed In' the colol"l"ul for ~1:'~s~~,lnhllnl~:~s~~I~~l:;e~:ithB~~~I~~I'U~~~dL~~tl~~, ~~I~I~:~~eo~r V~;'i~SI::sc~:-~\~~~e~)~~~ls~~~:~a~~t~~ MOTHER'S DAY, MA Y 10th. ~'I~'r~S~;~;I)~.I~:O~le;dIIbYv:~.d;~~:I~U~~~~'::~.~~~ I~~~l::I\~~f1~~~~~~l~~!;ll~[~~~'~~~lls/~~ti~cll~;eWJ~I~SI: BONSACK'S STORE ~oe~l~I:l,d~~~~~~l";(]~'l~~av~~s,s~~::~ ~;Il~~~I~~~\1I ~~I~I~Il"!~~I'b,OUn\~I~:jl~l~~}~I:.\~Sl~!;o;t:)e a~ll~~~ two quartets. Roberlson. Bryant, Read nnd I Powder Pmffs. In an inSln!ll tills riut of VINCENT VALIANTI Johnson; and -:\teritieth, Lam,bertson. Lang-[ COlor changed Rnd the Rir was tIlled with of this Style Tailor ron} and Atlams; a Hoola-Hoola Cecil (lance. sOllg frGm the throats ullci joyfully gn)sy that bane\. the dancillg, and 1'h~y sting so Ilghlly "ant'"ceptic" Cloodllflnd; elofJ.uent sj>eec\J, Simlllerman; Firat Class Work Insley; an singing. Rohert~. The perform- choruS seemed lO be 'i.lU,hbJi.n;; over with Rapertolr 'rhe ~econd Illull,'IHer. Ill{)]"l"illlent and 1>0;:- ante was concluded with "'rile Parade of le~tioll renil('red sealed around a st('amin.~ Guar;mleell The Wooden Sold"ers."· in which a lnrge c:llllll"on made Lhe gypsey carnj) seem vel'Y ~~~~~~~~ Humber of .Freshmen look part. Il'Plllisllc, and lrue to the life of lhE; ever \I!) commander The coming YOur Hea t I h D 'epen d S L al'ge y I 0 n I 1 loon" wa!'! "Cubby" Polk. of the "PRllta-1 rOI'ing troulm(lours encores of 0111'pl"esent day nIHI, seven)l caused thf' au(lienc(' from wit~ The Condition Of Your BLOOD Ladies." orchestra the terminallOll "Good Night The wllole Ill"efol"nlanCe was well glve:n un(1 closed The With having Illude on the college 0;[ the Pl'O-1 mu(·h comment Nyul Hot S~ring Medicine ~~~~711~~\~/~~~!'h~~~~lO\i~~~es \~~](I t~\e Sl~~l~~ ~1~1~\:ti/;::; ~~~~.'tC~f ~~fs~~ni~~~i~~~.hl~~~l ~~ 1he Is compo£ed of _vegetab~e drugs ~hat. were off. H~:~h!_ .. __ 1 VOice depal"tlll~:.__ . are valuable In t_reatJ_ng certam I FR~~,"('IIS'l'nH:X1'S S'I'IIIIO: J).:I'I"'[',\'I'IO~ 'I'U)' Blood and Skm Dlseases. A student walk-ont \s till:' l:llest develOP-I \'ISI'I'S HEIS'I'f.11S'I'OW:"i Large Bottles $1.00 meul in the eOlllroversy between the con-I The ~e~:ltati~1l team under l:le dll'ectiou For Sale at 11e!:'j~~\~~'i~ys~~de;l;~ISal~al~~h~c:I~~l;lt~l1~lf~:~:, ~;~:h!'he~~~~~~n~:~~c~·~tlR~ls~::·~I~:~IlS~\~~ radical Hen'iot ministry. Ninety per cent I As·bury .\lethodi;;\ church at 7 :::1) P . .\"1. 'l'he Horine's Orug Store lor the stude.nts at the lllw schMI have gone I sei"vlce was presided over by ('hllllin OilY. ~~~~~~~~~~~I ~il!SIIa~~:;iks~'u~~~~; ~'rill~1l1~ljf~l";l1c~\\~gfeaScu~[i ~t~~l't~~e ~~:~~~~7.e:;~~~s~~I"\'i~.eaJelll"~~dGt"!~,: WI LSON & HOPF I:~:t\~I~~i~I~Stitrl~e~r~:ln~o~fdto;~eI~~ nBc~~~i 1 ~:;Pl~g'~~ltw:~:n~~~~~~·e~ 1~~\~u~i!~I;aY:~;e~.~ suspension aCeOlllpUllle(i 11YWoollell a!ld of Dr. 1..11018 Barthelemy, b,Uj]din~I lion on the violln. its (lean. because he rerused to allow lhela! the pill1\O. I Pads p·,lice to e,BLer the nnivErsity }-JHnnold gave the first talk of the even,in~ Ilo !"lueU a l·iOt.- his subject heing "The Stuff That. Win~:' ~8n!l Kt:~n:nY Ani" I The rlotlng and the disorder which linal1.l· whIch was I'er)," timely aull inspil"lUg. Ied up to a strike were coused by the ap- Wooden then gave n rNIlI!ng. "Per!'onali- pointment of Georges Scelle, Chief private ties" was the tllie or the cOll('ln(]lng talk Baltimore. ]Td. l ~eCl'etary to the 'ministel' 01 loho!". as nl"O-i ,\'1.1'Dink-Ie. AH~l' !InollH'\" violin solo .. hy I ~j~;'~I'lh~~l ;~I\~l"ll~~at~o~nl~O:~7t::l1;'~~~~~~~~ne~l~~1 ~;,,;~,~:llal~:~e]l~~I~.~l~.eW:l~ ..r·JSe!t wlill :l 1111:01 PltOIlI': 1101111'11'001190tH,
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