Page 105 - BlackandWhite1924-25
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THE GOLD BUG Vol. 2, No 27 Western Maryland' College, Westminster, Md. . May 19, '25 B::~O;,~,,~~:~N~~AI:~~~~:~~~~,.IJestersPerformI~ocalTheatrei"'I'h~,~~~~;;~~~~~~,~:::~;,~~~~::~,n~~:~", Before a large crowu that was auendtua I I I Ccmedtan. the :Mother'g Day exercises at Gettys'burgl ---.' On Pridav n laht the College- Players pro- the Terrors lost a onestded contest to Gel- Flnnl Eugugement Entertntns Large du ced the i.hor~ughly e njuya ble comedy or ¥'::~r~~~;~~:g\~e:[el~edSC::'eth~t I;!~\f~~~I After It S\\CCe8:r~1(:let~.~;·on the eastern I~~)l~;n,~n::~~~;~;.~\;~~~~!~OSl~r~~h:n'trl~}l~ ~~an~5:n~n:,;;~~r~~n~;~OCtW~I~=tr~I~~ldOU~o~.Yle~i ~~~~·~el·s(!·ll\'~~~et~e lo~~~'h~gnteVr~~~~~~~tO~\~'I :~.Sa~alt:~d:~Pg~i~~;:nli~~:i~~I~ee~tio;l~t ~li~~ anyone play that had pla yed organized the New SIal' Theatre last Thursday even- Lease head of the Speech Department, and ball. The morale or the team was broken Ing. 't'ney drew a full house. half of the turmshed the finest entertainment. ye-t PI'O- tnru t~ls recr, wtncn was the real reascu theatre being occupied by the student body, vided by College talent. The selection of for IOSJ11gtile game, Buck took the mound which moved down town for two hours of one of the more modern type- of play!! f~~d:st~!t~~lot~:d g~l%er~l~' t:~~~e~~Ol~:I'rt~ j~~l:rsaY.~~t;lolU,~s~~l~n~~:r,ot~e~n:lI~h~yw~~~I ~~\Oel;'~(~th~ntht~leSi~~~~;~rt~er:~l:[l!~~l~n~~d~~ the second inning, In the third inning, mere for a good time was ntaappotnted, I There has always been a deS're among the with two men 01\ bases, an error loading and If 01 vote ha-d been taken the audience I students for a play ot a, more vtvactoua ~l:l~ foarse:'thnl~~!'e~IO~~~~~~~~leleul;~l~tl~~i~I~II~~I[:~~edopt:l~e:h~7th g:~~ i ~1~1~1~~s~,~~t~I~~n:r:ti~f~eb;~~~' a;:~~l~·c~~:; ~or the next two tnulugs he PllChe:t .ail' el'ulsongs by the double quartette. com-lin Alumni Hull Fr!elay night. Ever-yone light ball, but in the next an error , hitting posed O'f ,L, F. HIgh, C. H, Wilson. G, L, who witnessed the cer rcrmeuce pro- a man, and three timely hits marked three Stonesifer, B, ¥or. Price, H, T. Nichols, P. R. nounced it "by far the best show the Col- more runs fOf Getty~'burg, Reynolds then Kelbaugh, H. !', Bowen, und C, W. Day, lege- Playergo ever put on," The !l.entlmenl relieve-d Buck on the mound, and with the Delighl!ul events then followed in qui~l, ot the stud~nts ,bud}' has thus been declare I base& loaded he lhrew lile fanliHlS Centel' succession and the auelience was kept l!I [for entel'tamme,nt nf a more truly modern field ,ball which the 'batter slammed fOl' a SUSl}ense wonderi·ng "what next," and the nature, absorbing in celerity of action an,] cirCUIt" &coring fonr runs, The game \\'as "next" was never disappointing, Iu true el!l~aJlY iute:es-ting it,l character o8tuely.and called )ll the sel'enth Inning. vlludel'ille fashion Chalk lind Price put on rldlCulolls situations Western Maryland was unA'bl,e to Call- thell- numbel' elltitled "songs," Ke~baugh 1'hc plot ot ·'The Whole Town's Talkmg" nect with the elusive ball mllny tmlcs when hi,s nllm!}er. "Dumhness." whieh proved to) centers around the efforts of a. young hlrs were needed most. In the sel'enLh be quite clcl'el', :lnd Wilson and Stonesifer bllsiness man to win a fair maid by [0\11 inning with the base!l. tull, Jones, tbe op- theil' specialty act. "Reds" Smith, made mea us. In the attempt to ,engage her at- !lOsing IJjtcher, retired tbree bauerS' In up as a "lJlack ,baby." and aCC01UIJlIniedoy tentions he claims the intimate acquaint- oreler, and It was deemed advisable to (Jail "Puppy" Robertson and the \)anjo, danceei a!ICe of a well-known motion pICture star the game, Peny played II good game lit a fell' fancy steps of the clogg variety and "Letty Lythe." He thus IncitES the Intel'e;;t first hose notwiths(nndln&, the fact that he had a hard time leaving the stage at the of his fair affinity, a~d the gooss hang~ had sustained II broken rib a week ]Jl'e'\'iolls end of his act. C. R. Wilson, G, L. Stone" hrgh. until by unusual cIrcumstances the In Ihe game with the QllantlC3 )\arlnes, the .'lIfer, H. T. Nichols. and H. P. Bowen ill the sweetheart of his pre\'aricatioll Is injected only ('HeeL It 118(1 upon him was that he qlHlrtet, and C, R. Wilson in his ~olo also into the III'ama. The re.'lIllting oomplica- was unable to get liis usual number ()t hits \)r{}ught down a good hand. The first part tlon,~ are !ll'oduct[.ve of considembJ.e Arligiani. who has been shifted from first of the llro!!;ram was closed by the double hilarity, to tlip catching position. rereiveel the pill qual'l('i whkh gare the song tbat had been The Se'niOl' playera, ~nSg; Knauf, !.1!ss In grpat form and allowed nothing to !lass wailed fa)' all el'elling, "Roaet to ~1anda- DelL Betton alHI Hudgins ]l~rrormect With. him without much re~istance. Buck, not I lay." The orch~stra, which had givell someI t,heir acoustomed e"pertne!>~. Hndg:ns wishing his pJtchiug to be hiS only part of jazz s~lectlon!'l l}efOl'e the opening curtain arollnll whom the comedy centereel wa~ Ihe game sbmmed the opp.oslug: pitcher for now el.ltertain,ed again in the short inter- sl11'pl'iS1ngly good. The Pf!JofiC,iCUCYof the- nbatting average of 500. Captain Clar,k mlasion that foJ1.owtotl. The jozz mu~t have .tunior participants seelllS to predict II- con- pla)'ed sterling ball in center field stopping been good for it \\'R~ notIced that some tinUfd s:an(lnrcl 1lf (,xc'ellelloy for next ~~~~r~~inl~tmt~~~,~~::;~t~/~:t ~:;" \):~,d ~~~ ~:ilihi~l ~~~\i~t~Ceeat~,Uda hnrd time keepiu;; I~;/lal~"\\,~~~)'I;jlt~;:i;\'~~1~~~::~l:~~~(~ 1~llii;~ oih",r mell worked hard al tbe'r p·~S·tIOllS, The entel'tnlnmenl was closed by a sllo!'! role, wh!le Hnwk'us wa~ quiteeltective In but were \lua-hle to keep down a goodly two act ]lIar. "!xtreme]y (liffi~.ult part. ~lss :vJas,S~Y number of errors, Arlams, beIng the only "Pete" Garrett st.arred as '80oltles" Ben- was in hEI' element IlS the clllema sal'. other man to come np to hIS' usual f01'ln ,,\ bow. who had spent mosl of his fOllr years wh~ll" )~J~s rrJl{'hll.r~1 ]llayed t1~e Fiqua~;e. the hat. or colle~e life sportIng nroun(\, anel finally lllall! With AIiCh "~H!I m t,hal hel d,schal"e The umpire waA dec'(}edly for the Gettys- in his senior YEar was notified by the wOl1ld han' ,11eell lOlltnnt)' ord,el'ed by /lny hlll'.!!' team, alld his decis,lons at times were fa cull\' ihn!. hia "l'e!a'lon8 with the eolleg" jealolls silollse, Altogether an excellenl as It he had been olle of th'e guides that had b'pcn severed," Wilson ma(lc I]uite n performance, one of which lhe C-O.llege hong urollild on Ihe halllefieid. 01' in some charmillg young French la(ly. alld StonesHel' mig'ht juS't1y b.. pI'om!. Y1us!c wa~ fnrmshed <:Iose relationship with the opponetlt~. Not bncl the Iluelience hoilling their side-so when by the POWd{,f Puff'!, who iteeilled t-o lack only \\'a~ he very hllnd at Urnes ns to the ns II lwl of "Doodles." he twsed ~s the some or Iherr pccu,tolllf'll, pert~ctlon 0: f'xaclnf'~S or the pltehers ability to ]llaee lalter':;. w1te to rool oltl man Benlow. "Reds" pPI'formance. Posolbly thell' y~rt III the the bnll over the pan, but his judgment all Smith as Ihe o'd colored janitor and e:'enil1gS entertnlnmen! \\'a$ rllmmed b~ the Og'bm'n as lhe colored wash lady. "D!ak" the hllsf's wpr(' ~o I'lo~"! as to ,be \lnsatls- "nine (lollal'S ,111(1nineteen cents." ~uceeededI Iligh qUHll'y of tlt~ aml\Srm~nL flll'lIlshed faNorr to the fans, who Cllmf' to B<'nlow's apartments for her II'" lite Colle ....e Playerll. On Wf'elne"da}C,1fny 2iJ, the Terrors will journey 10 Rnltimore to Pia.Y Lo),ola Col- in keeping the IIndlence \all<>;hing when came out nIl J' In ihe ell,t\. ond "Boodles" lege on their home dlnmond. Loyola has Stol1~sifer an(\ his "hL\sllan(\" were off the got throngl! his sel'a'les In ;;ood ~nQu~.h 'lee ten [Ill iheir State opponents except scene. ~'chols :'~Ii1" made a Vf'ry good shape to SUII; OUI' Alilla ~1!1'et· wl1h h s Westprn "'nrvlan'l liP t'l this time, On Sat- I)ld landlaely helnell to ndd to the fwls. In wh't:h th!'y wt're hy II 13r~E, ;:toll'\ (ronilnllf'd 1'111 I'll(!'f' fl'lnr.) h1tmor of tlH' or ('Olll'Sf' f'\'eryth!lI~ or thl' nll,l~('ne'~
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