Page 32 - BlackandWhite1924
P. 32
Page 4. mack and White, Western Maryland College, Westmin.."Iter Md. New Star Theatre Program 1 'U~~~~:;"'~;,:'~",;::.'"I Watch This Space! "The Uttl. Church MARCH 5th. 7 00 P " 'rneo A,,, meets 14' S, nen I P opip Sh I ey Says: WEDNESDAY, Tlle~d.ily, Mllrch 4. Around the Corner" 7 00 P '01 ~41~C~a;~(]H~hLt~ Cluh meets Serial Episode 8 00 P ~1 Lecture on steel by ;';fr I H K REAL FOOD TH~;i~?'~::!t;;::th. 630 P " ~~f~;,·~::;:':"h'mS'", I FOR "A Man of Action" 7:00 P. st. rie:'~ ~t\~de~l:e~S~vernment. IW d W f . Pathe 2-reel Comedy 7:15 P. ,t,. Woman's Student Government. on ering ar al.e,rs FRIDAY, MARCH 7th. 1 7 :'15 P. 'I. ~:aCret~~nt.~IUll meeta. Senior' M~;h~eC~:!!~~::s:ftiNe;ry~~~!OIl 4:00 P. '01. M~~~nr;:al: :ea!j:~t~r. Patronize Free! Free! Free! Pathe. 2-.:_eelComedy oU;'r1~;;:t~~~!ba7~ gel rtcketa. A Pair of 50 cent Rubber Heelil ~t~~r~e~~~~c~tto~~s ~~~. ~:~~~: ~~:~!~~l!r~[~;~~:ty. with every pair of Half Soles at ·Not a Dru~ Was Heard 7 30 P '01 't'eachere' aecnei (music) IKroop Bros., 25 East Main street. FoxF~~nNh~~: ~~cledy :I 00 P M R~:!U~d.::~ ~:rc~ ~r Plttburgh IWestminster, Md., every Thursday. S 00 p ,M WAG Olub ~!Jg,slon Parlor beginnlng February Iath, ending Ra%tn·L~wIsu&.'J::'~:~~;li:;-in 845 A M su~~~~Il~c~o~~CII9. ! April 3rd, 1924. "THE MAILMAN" 3 45 P :vi Jo m. meeting of Y M C A and I Admission: loc, 25c & 35c 7 15 P M ~V~ln~ ~hapel ~~~~_~C._K_R~()()~P..;.~P~r..;op:...~ Monda" ,,,"arch 10. S P E C I A L ,.ST'.O""'-CIILS:;-"-'-PRO'I,m,.,[ for this week TRIP (lontiunH irORl p~e ODl» Ncxzema Cream . $ .30 _ ers Will vi ut Cnsfte"ld and Denton on the I Noxeema Shampoo . . .35 Eastern Shore, and very likely other towns Noxzema Shaving Cream 35 In the same district Ber'ltn and~astoo are Noxzema Tooth Paste :3~ ~~~urrne,c!\~~n~~;:~~l:~a~~~o!~o:r::~~~~~~ Noxzema Soap .2;) gram. Only talented performers are cap- _ able of makin-g the t~ip this year, (IS the $1.65 personnel of rne club has .been limited 10 Special Price $1.19 i7~~~~J!l:~tl:t~~a~e~~'e1~~!~:;:etIlO~ee:et~~gnt~ WEHI~ER & KING, Druggists. Cumber-land and 'Frostburg at II somewhat ============ _~~~ __ ~.:.........;;;;;.~~ .Iater date, but this oae not been settled at •••• '... The name SPALDING ~'h'''', .., ."m._, --, IBabylon Lippy Co. ~. ~ on Athletic Equip- Boyibus k!!ls!bus ,sweet glflorum d, ~ ~.. G!r\i"bus l!klbus, want some morum; C JI'~DI"b' ment Means Most for Papabus hearbus sweet klssorum, ! .,. ..~~... "". 'your money. ~~k~~~~o~k~y~~~~tfb~Sh:l~kd:~~~~:~. Stetson Hats ~ .~. 0; '\ nONSACK'S Ooglbus catchl'hus pants and tOTum. The Florsheim Shoe JOHN SAYS: Complete - Charming - Chic! I give :l close shave and assume all our Original Conceptions in For the Man Who Cares. responsi:bility. New Spring Bonnets SAM COHEN SEE JOHN! for College Girls Tailor Man In Town. The "Pressingest" Everhart's Barber Shop The Hat Shop Spedal Prices To College Students Phone 212 Clothes don't make the man, WILSON STUDIO but they add to his appearance. DR. E. E. HonHS Get 'em pressed. Dentist BURKINS and HUDGINS THE MAN WHO TAKES. 108 E, Main St. Westminster, Md, W.M.C.
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