Page 33 - BlackandWhite1924
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~BLACKAND WHITE~ A WEE.KLY NEWSPAPER WITH A PtJRPOSE Vol. 1. No.8 Western Maryland College, Westminster, Md. March 11 '24 BlaGk And White Club AnnounGesIRillemen Lose B~ Close SGorei Steel LeGture At Smith Hall Prize Contest I. Smurtlay. I:\'lal~ University of (II uerntehem Sl 'ci Cn ~:l~,~SI~:'~~~'s~I~~ri~~~~~O~~~h~H~~~;:dscl~,~tI~r .r. II. 1\, Sll~lnlllllllla fli Sle:]... .. Ilelig'lib-; Wi(h -nomnnce ~tH(lenl, Suluuitling' ne~t Letter to I!NleiHI14S2-~76- This ls tl,le highest the v.u-snv TueS,!a : y '.'Ilardi 4dl, in Smith Hull, MI' $.;.00 111111lIave I'holo I'nl;li~he.l. . ~~~:~lg/a~ei~~OL95~1;/!;~,~t::7g.hin~~~i[I~~;~~rli~.'at~fSi~~~ln~I~IL~1~~h~I;:r~I~~·e~e~Dl~17)~~~~i~~ ___ I W. 'M. were Darby an. Ashburne 96, .J. K SP!lI"l'OWS.e-otnt, deltgnted the college WiLlI The Black und Wh:te Clu'b, in continually Stone 95, D_ Pr-ice 9.1. Bakel" 92. a h_g_hly mtel"c_s'ting and lecture seeking to forward the best tmerests of the The rifle team has completed their snoot- of the steel tndust ry. He ent.t.led his nc- college, thru Its committee on College wet- ing fOI" ure 31·u. COn)!;; Area, and chances ture Ill: "Romance of Sceel" and in his In- fan', or which Paul R Kelbangfi is chair- seem to favor a good standing in the neld u-ouucuon sue wed that in the I.listory cr man. euncunuea a prize which 1 of fif.leen colleges. The result of nre ten tile .maKlll.g uf steel, [rom the minlll.g of tile nil students Or w. ':\1. C., and the preum-atory highest in the four positions were: stand- n-on ore III the company's mines In Chile, school may enter. lug H8, kneeling 855, Sitting 921 and prone Luba, Sweden. and Atrtea, until the nnal The letter must he a constructive crtu- jJ50. These arc nnmparuttvely high sccrus. shipping of the finis-hed steel products to cism of some phase of Ihe social or the hut the team eX]l(!cts better averages. fo~ evel y .par.l of the world, there IS a true Intellectual life of the college a chan""e in the TrOl}hy, wb~ch is to be fired JIL·'."III'omance. lll,envoven. Mr. ~hannaha~ ac- which will promO'll' ihe genel:al welfa~e nf l)e(01"e vucation. ~olllyun!:d h.S ~xplauution. "":Ith a senes of the collf'ge anti will be n_cessarv if thi~ The nfle t~alll has flre!1 an (]nu~I1:llly I >;teI~OI)c,can. ~!Jdes lJl(]Suat.lllg every step ill~ti'lulian is to maintain its us n hnrll Bcbetlule this year, meeting such If'a~n'l: of lh~ st.eel Hldu~try: Tile slides we,re takeu flrs,t clnss col~ege. ~~ Vp~~-n~;'I~Z~i~~ ~~~v;rs~~~·t:.he ('~~:;~:;~:~:iI ~~ri~~ Jl~I!~t,~~~~1:1:!I~~ce~t th~l~ec~~~~l"\~W,~ 1 he rules of the contest: anll ;"Ia~~tlchugElts Institute. This is tll:'! relllal"i(able tlegree. 1. The letter must contain not more than hardest sr:lletlule a~y Western \Ial"l'lan(l! Uh'e~ 11Ijer('~jillr:;' Sjali~tic~. 2,,1) word:s- u.nd b!).. written in iuk on ont' te:lnl hilS unuertflken 'l'hl' coaChin'% of: He c:t.. (1 a few ~laUst:c:s or till! aleel in- side or business statiollL'ry. Cap.(. Gi:bson supplemented ,by that of Sgl.. I rlustry In which 'he saId tlle -Betilelehem l'e;~onT~I~r li~~erpr~l~os~et~;~n~~~li~~;?m;ll~~ !~~~e:: ~~f'\~~~P~e~~e largest [actor iu lh~ ['~t~~id.'C~~~.~~llY~utth~.;;~f:ll~llO\?:g:~!ein tl~=~ clenrly seL forth a m'nu~ l,.y'wilicll the --- - does ~~ran~~, Eng~and, an(1 Belgium COIll- ~han<:;f' mav he alTected. ,"'I!t:SU.UA:-I OWLS CIIA.'Il·IO~S I h:netl. TIle pnyroll is more thuu $250.000 ~. 'I'he ~r[ze .,.,.:'11uot he aw:u!le(\ uule!;~ The I"resh~llan gil'ls hasl(ehlmll team has I per week, and the company sells over $1, )2;) letms are snbmitted. ~~~~'~1I~~le~~,~[~~\I:S8:1Sbat~~~et~~I~~Ub1~~I~~.~.~~~IOO?r~~O~~~~'~/~n~,f~~)~~~~~:~~~:r~\\;\~Yfteet of 4. 10-1. -The Prell game was won wit.h 1.'11[\,111 --- of the Gluck and White ('Iub. ea~e.1'he shooting o.r Wilson autl.·Lhe gllarJ-1 COACH IlILI. WOOl) '1'0 SPt~'\K A'I' "Y" 7. The iudg~s Ul'e to agree UnanlIllOUSIYI':ng of L9url~l" co?tl'lbut_ed materIally to L;10 --- upon the best letter, anIl from their de- F'reshmall v\Otorles. 'I he cO.lIe g e may ~i! G(!HpIHlr(l"·... ,"'ooHmll t:uucll I~ Idnl or r:sion ,~h{-f~ can b~ no ap)~al.. .. ~f~nnL~(i es~I~·I~\ll:~;I.:o~~~.n~~l~I~h:!l: ~~~'1sr~'~. . t;:1I11)J1l~. b/·~1a~1I;;;tl~.(\~~~1 on l1l~~I~O~~li~l~1~~~I~~~~jsea~(lUs. ._. W~~~I!,In:,:;\~ytwoni~~:\hr~l~e m:~v~.~~;:~ G~~t~~'~ al the ella!)e! se~v:~~, prize will be pre- ,lr~IOI!S EN'I'.;lt ' !'AIN A'l' ('Aim.'; bUrg College, will t!a~e charge of the Y. srnted to the wllllllng contestaut. Ilrli!,rhtiul I'Hrl).· Gil'en in Jl411l0r (Ii 1'hell' .. 1-1. C. A. ~e]"dc~ .. 1:\"11".Wood is. a young man 'fhe judges :Ire: . nn~keHIllII II'calll, lor large st:llue and possesses the qualities K~l~~l~~h~'oi\,l~it~ o;la~;: ;~~l\~\llt~~~lll~;·I·w~~~g~~~st~~\~le~~\tB~C~~~~gr~s~~~:y c;r~ld Jl~;~~;1 ~i;ea ](~r1·~~ro~f\":I~~~~:~ta~'~~!l;ee~I~~ L~ett.~:;- H. 1-£. Wan!. Pre!!-itlent of Ihe I~'ving ]..iternry Iin the r~ceptioll room of :\'lcDanlel Ilnll on close to III II 1I.l\dil is lhro.ugh ,dllS medium Soc'elY; n.. P. Culler, PreSIdent of the S~lllnl:ly evening from seven-thirty unlil that he haS \l'O!! H j"!·!aee III the hearts, of Webster rAterary Sec'e:y; :\llss .\1argarct C. ten P. \1. I not only tIlE' w:r,rn~ of the I.ogs. l.lllt every Wenner. Prtsi[J{'nL or the Philo Literary The 11ar1y wa~ givpn In honor of tIl(" lUUU on th~ C~Ill)lU~. Gettyshul"g IVa>! de- Soc'ety. and .\1i~1\~~lizabeth Gellr. President .Iunio!" Girl's Ba!lketb~ll team. AnIon~, fear.ed ouly tw:cz the \last season. the vic- ar lhe Browning L:teral'y Society. tho!;;e preaent were :'I1isses Troy, Allnn':t.1 tor~ helng P~nn Stale nn(1 r~ehigh. I~ 'I'h(' l'rize ,"'(1\' 'I'he n.e~t. ).t'Uer $;"O~'I ~~~~{l~~::: :ea:~~~\~~f:e~n~e~i:~~~s.S~~~:~ I cu;:~negYlh~~e C'Ill!~.jS ;~~~ f~I:'~~f:t~l~1l aSne~ The \lr:ze ror the Wl\~lllng letter Is $::>.1)0I(\ns. Hudgins, ReYlloldH, 'l'l"ice, Ward, Sfl_1 will be one of the biggest meetings this hll(t the mack and WhIte will llUh~lsh th.!! lin !lines. Eaton, Darlly, Grillpen. Duy, year. Coaeil Shroyer says: "I am glu(1 the winning letter, ami a cut or the Winner If Trm[er. and Welhrnugll. men will be dOIl'Il, and I will he au hand to flU" clln be ohlDlM't1. "'liss Fllrlowe won the first priz€ aurl welcome litem.'" , 1'hli'N' are 437 slmj£:nts al W. ')'1,.C. an(1 it :'111'&8Smith succeeded in capturing tho:> A rec"pt1on COlmnil'lEe compOsed of ProL {- ..."lcerely hOl)ed 'Ihat two-tllirds or these Ihoolly jll·ize. The parlor was attractively Schofield, Co<\ch Sllroyer, Grotou, Bylluu.'. III suhmlt letters. arranged and those present lhoro\l;{hly An- Trader aIH] Stevens will greet \Voorl nni! IllS RE:\IE\oII1ER-thc conte~t closes April 2;'. jO.I"('(ltl1(' ('renin!.:". I f·olln\"t~.
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