Page 38 - Contrast2015
P. 38

● Neither of them goes to college, but apparently both of
          them are pretty intelligent people who excelled in
               ● Lisa thinks that college is lame and I don’t
                    know about Mark—I know that he works. He
                    works a decent-paying job somewhere with
                    their other roommate. I forgot his name.
                         ● But yeah, both those dudes work and
                              Lisa doesn’t.

     She would if Mark would let her.
     And she can’t really leave their place either since Mark
gave her apartment key to his little brother. For what
purposes? I just like to assume that it’s for nefarious ones.
That way it makes my quest less insane-sounding to people.
This way, I sound like I’m saving someone from the clutches
of… oh I don’t know? A possible racist and 9/11-denying

     Whether or not he is what I think he is, I’m pretty sure
that I’m still the better guy for Lisa because let’s check at my
list of accomplishments and talents.

     1. I can finish the original Mega Man game for the
          Nintendo Entertainment System without getting a
          Game Over.

     2. And also I can…

     God I suck.

     “You’re basically a housewife,” I told Lisa once.
     “I can live with that,” she replied.
     “Are you sure?” I asked her. “You can’t even leave your
own place.”
     “Meh. Sucks to be me I guess,” she said with a shrug.


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