Page 25 - Contrast2005
P. 25

reaction.                          said as he stands up, and
      "Well, try it for me.        leads her over to the edge of
                                   the balcony.
want to understand where you
are coming from. I want to               "No I didn't, and now I
know where you are going."         kind of see why."
He smiled and awaited her
response.                                "It's beautiful, isn't it?"
                                         "What, the city? I guess,

"I don't know where I am           with all its buildings. All the

going, I just know where I am      people walking by, all the

right now. I am with you and       separate lives, how everyone
enjoying it.                                     goes in separate

      I am sitting    No one has     directions. So many
up here on the                       different things hap-
                    ever looked at
umpth-teenth          her like that  pening all at once."

floor of Hillside   before. With          "Don't look down,
Manor Apart-          him, she felt  look up, girl. Look at
ments. I am out                      the heavens and the
                        ••• home.
here with a chill                    sky, filled with
in the air and the                   beautiful stars
warm inviting                        scattered across the
weather. I am                        night. Isn't that

being treated like no one has      amazing?"
dared to treat me before.                "A clear night in the city is
For a moment I felt like I didn't
                                   quite rare. I guess we should
deserve it," she looked down,
but then made sure her gaze        enjoy it."
met his again. "All my life has          "Much like how I enjoy you
been leading up to something,
to someone. All my failed re-      and your company. I enjoy
lationships, all the abuse, all    every moment of being with
the trials and tribulations. It    you, and when I'm not alii can
                                   do is think about you. I swear,
reminds me of how God takes        Naomi, you truly complete
certain people out of your life    me."
for a reason, and then intro-
duces others. All the times I            She blushes and looks
wanted to give up-"                back out towards the stars.
                                   Sometimes the moments with
      "But you didn't," Jason      him are so intense, so real, just
                                   the emotion, that she has to

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