Page 27 - Contrast2005
P. 27

want me and I am right here,"      something, I get scared too,

he turns her around so their       sometimes, but then I look at

eyes meet. He wants her to         you, into those beautiful

see the truthfulness in his face,  brown eyes, and I'm alright.
what she already knows very        My day is alright, my life is
well.                              alright. That's what I see

"I believe you, I'm just.•. 1      when I look at you."

can't believe I'm saying this,     "Yes but-I don't know

me being the strong black          what to say."

woman who has fought so                 "Whatever it is that you
hard to be tough                                  are afraid of, you

and thick-          There, I soid it,  have to trust me.
skinned, to not                        You have to let go

show emotion, I'm she thought to and let God. I

just scared."                          wouldn't do anything

There, I said it, herself. The rea I to hurt you. I have

she thought to                                           had my share of
herself. The real
                    test was what mistakes and bumpy

test was what       would he do        roads to. With all
would he do with                       this I have grown

this information.   with this          stronger and into the

So many in her                         man standing before

past used it as a   information.       you today." Naomi

ticket it, to take                     starts to shiver a lit-

advantage, to                          tie, from the air get-

overpower. She thought that        ting colder and temperature

women had to be so strong to       dropping. The night is starting

survive and get by, had to         to settle in. "Let's get inside

make ends meet and pick up         where it's warmer." Naomi

the pieces, and here she was       dreaded his words as he
showing a sign of weakness.        motioned her over to his couch.
                                   In the past this would have

      "You know it's okay to be    been the perfect occasion for
scared, just like it's okay to be  making love and sleeping
happy, sad. They're all emo-       together. She played it out in
tions, and their all real and      her head: he whispers some
validated. Let me tell you         sweet nothings into her ear

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