Page 21 - Contrast2005
P. 21

The door creaked open after      tangy, sour taste on her tongue
a little tap. A face peered in.       again as she remembered forc-
                                      ing down tiny bits of processed
     "Mrs. Genteel?" Her eyes lit     "Salisbury steak."
up when she heard that voice.
                                            "It was good," she com-
     "She came." "Yes Dear, I'm       mented. The girl smiled. She
right here, come on in." The girl     took a big gulp of her soda,
bounced in the door, shutting it      followed with a bite of the cream
after her. Her baggy t-shirt          filled cookie.
hung off her shoulders, and
draped around her tiny waist.               "I love these. They are so
She wiped her forehead with her       good." Mrs. Genteel smiled. "/
sleeve.                               know," she thought. "Oh, it's on
                                      now! Isn't this the one where Ross
      "Sorry I'm late, we had a       and Rachel get back together?"
little mess." Her guest bounced
down next to her on the bed.                "I think so." Mrs. Genteel
"So, did I missanything?"             settled her body attempting to
                                      calm her restlessness.Her smile
      "Oh no, not yet, it just        reached far down, all the way to
started. I think it's a repeat        her chest, creeping into her
though." Her disappointed eyes        stomach. She never really paid
began to reach for the remote to      attention to the show. Yet she
shutit off.                           always made sure what her
                                      guest liked the most after a long
      "Oh don't do that! I don't      day. The girl reached over and
mind watching it again if you         held her hand, preventing it from
don't. I can watch this show a        shaking. Her heart lifted, and
hundred times!" The girl smiled as    she was forever still.
she jumped closer to Mrs. Gen-
teel. She remembered her gift.                                           eclipse 19

      "Oh, I got this for you dear."
Her skipping hands went towards
the snack. The drink was icy to
the touch, as she handed it to the

      "Oh, you didn't have to do

. "D on't worry yourself about
It. I know you need a drink after
a hard night."

      "That's for sure. Tonight was
rough. Did you like your din-
ner?" Mrs. Genteel felt the
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