Page 26 - Contrast2005
P. 26

turn away. Doesn't want to              "Safe in your arms," she
get in too deep. She guesses      says, with a smile. "You know
that this must be that buffer     I care very deeply for you,
zone she puts up because of       and I don't want to use that
her past experiences. Al-         cliche of 'it's not you it's me.'
though she has never met any-     just have a lot of things that
one quite like Jason, who actu-   I'm going through. But I'm
ally listens to her and genu-     fighting, every day, the things
inely wants to hear what she      that hold me back, because I
has to say, and then doesn't      want this to work and I want
                                  to be with you." She sighs.
mind when she is quiet and

return the favor. ----------            "See, nothing with

He has honestly "You know I ca re me has ever worked

shown her that he  very deeply for      before, I mean
cares and wants    you, and I don't     really worked.
her in his life.   want to use that     Sometimes I become
But still, some-   cliche of 'it's not  afraid, like if I bare
times she has to                        my heart to you and
pull away.           you it's me'...    the stories of my
                                        past, that this fan-
     "You look                          tasy I'm in just won't
away and I won-                         last. That one day
der why," he

said, finally call- ------              we will go our

ing her on her actions.           separate ways and you won't

She turns towards him but         return the pieces you took of

doesn't know what to say.         me. I hate to think that way,

"I ... I" It feels like she       but if I hadn't been so blind-

wants to spill it all out and     sided before, more than once.

him, to tell him everything, but  Every time I think something is

it's just not the right time.     perfect, it hits me and some-

     "It's okay," he says, and    times the blow is so hard that I
puts his finger to her lips.      have to debate whether or not

"Are you comfortable?" he         to get back up. It hits me just

asks, and he wraps his arms       like that. I want so much for
around her, as if to shield her   you to stay."

from the obstacles that lay       "You want what you

ahead.                            already have, Naomi. You

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