Page 28 - Contrast2005
P. 28

and she's infatuated. Then it     tonight?" she asked, snuggling
    becomes complicated. Why,         into the couch cushions. He
   God, why does it have to be so     grabs a nearby knitted
    complicated? She cried out        blanket and puts it on top of
    silently as she sat uncomforta-   them. Of the many men she
    bly next to him. She knew         laid with, never had she felt
    what she felt physically, and     this close without doing any-
    how hard it was to deny that      thing. This was different. This
    call. She could sense that he     was new.
    was feeling the same. Naomi
   felt like she always messed up           "As long as you want," he
   with this relationship stuff,      responded, and he kissed her
   maybe that's why things never      forehead again. That was it,
   worked out. And although in        she thought, no sweet talk or
   some cases surely another was      fondling. My body is laying
   to blame, secretly she came       next to him, our bodies are
   down harder on herself for         touching, and he is not trying
   being such a blind fool. He        to steal a caressing moment, or
   gets comfortable.                 feel all over me. I don't have
                                     to push him away or put up my
         "Come here," he says, and   defenses. This is something
   instinctively she leans on his    new. But it is something I could
   chest and he wraps his arms       get used to. Naomi smiled as
   around her. "Nothing is going     if she were amidst a dream,
   to happen to you, you are         and let out the sigh that al-
   safe with me." He strokes her     lowed her to more fully and
   hair and kisses her forehead.     deeply appreciate him.
   There is slow music playing in
  the background, the melody               "Could you hold me
  fills the air. Suddenly Naomi      forever?" she asked.
  lets go of her fears, the inse-
  curities that have held her              "Yes, forever," he re-
  captive for so long. She           sponded, and stroked her hair
  relaxes in his arms, knowing       before finding a comfortable
  that he wouldn't make her do       position and falling asleep.
  anything that she didn't want      Naomi realized that she did
  to.                                feel safe, and allowed herself
                                     (something she had never
        "Could you just hold me      done before) to fall asleep in
                                     his arms. In her final moments
26 Contrast 2005
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