Page 20 - Contrast2005
P. 20

cookies instead. She plopped         They made her feel important.

the packet into the front to keep    "Where is she?It starts in two

her other gift company. Her          minutes!" She glanced over to

bouncinghead made its way up         her dresser, ashamed at the mess

to the clock on the wall. 7:55.      of her belongings, strewn about.

"Shehas five minutes, I hope         Her son'spicture sat in the front,

shegets here in time." Her           smiling at her. He wished he

walker led her back to the bed,      could let her stay with him, but

scraping the floor -------            his scheduleis so busy,

on the way. The He came to visit that he would never be

room was dimly        her today. His  home to take care of
lit, one lamp on                      her. He didn't want

the side of the       lean, lanky body anything bad to hap-

bed provided the                      pen. At least here she

only comfort of stretched far above could have someone

the cold corners her head and beck- watching her full time,

of her room. The                      day and night. At least

Frenchpainting oned her to reach here shecould be safe.

above her bed                                               At least here she would
looked down on
                      around his neck have company. Her

her, the little girl  and hold him    lonely eyes searched

in her tutu smiling,         close.   the door, making sure
begging her to                        shehadn't accidentally

join her and                          locked it. .

dance. Her ancient sweater hung      "Maybe shecameand thought

off her bony shoulders,but clung     that the door was locked. I hope

to her plump waist. Her wheel-       shedidn't think I went to bed."

chair laughed at her in the cor-     She wanted to get up, but her

ner, along with the antique pair     unsurelegs prevented her this

of skates hanging in her closet.     time. The familiar musicbegan

They had been her son'swhen he       to play on the television.

could wear them.                     "Oh no. It's starting." She

He came to visit her today.          looked at the clock, then at the

His lean, lanky body stretched       door. She was worried.

far above her head and beck-         "I can't watch it without her."

oned her to reach around his         Her hands tried to reach for the

neck and hold him close. He          phone, but shecouldn't control

liked her guest. They would          them in order to dial. "Oh no,

always talk and laugh, always        Oh no!" shethought. "She's not
including her in the conversation.   coming."

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