Page 24 - Contrast2005
P. 24

UJ                      He sat down with her on the balcony of his
                  one bedroom apartment, where the porch furni-
.-.J              ture had been delicately set for dinner for two.
                  Naomi sighed and let the gentle autumn breeze
                  carry her off into places unknown. What would it
                  have been like to be a weightless warm colored
                  leaf, lifted off on to some magical journey?

                        Dinner is over, and she fiddles with the pink
                  carnations that create the centerpiece on the
                  table. The sun sets over a cityscape, and amongst
                  the noise of cars driving by and the life of the
                  sidewalks, she finds peace and silence.

                        "Are you still with me?" Jason asks his
                  beautiful princess as their eyes met.

                        "Always," she says with a smile. They have
                  been dating for about two months now, a spot
                  Naomi thought she would never find herself in
                  again. After past pitfalls and stumbling over
                  stepping stones; after bruises and skinned knees
                  of long-time-ago mishaps and mistakes. It was
                  enough to make her give up, and for a while she
                  did, until Jason came along and taught her other-
                  wise. Every time she felt herself slipping away
                  she tried to remember the truthfulness in Jason's
                  eyes, when he looked at her; his sincerity. No one
                  has ever looked at her like that before. With him,
                  she felt ..• home.

                        "Y ou seem caught up in the sounds of the eve-
                  ning," he said referring to the street, the cars
                  honking and wizzing by.

                        "If anything I am caught up with you."
                        "What do you mean?" he smiles and places his
                  hand gently on hers. Just to touch her skin was
                  enough for him, just to be in her presence. He en-
                  joyed her that much.

                        "I mean, this is something I can barely put into
                  words," she paused, searching his eyes for some

22 Contrast 2005
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