Page 23 - Contrast1992Fall
P. 23


Winged bird                 Breathing happiness
You have the gift offlight  Energy
If I could soar like you    Life, the embodiment of
Feel the air as you do      energy
                            Hopping little bunny
But I can dance             If I cold hop as quickly as you
Twirl around in circles     Thump, thump, thumpity,
Tiptoe, tiptoe              thump
Prancing little angel
With wings                  I can run
                            Faster, slower
I feel high                 I can walk
Full of breath              Daintily, friskily
                            So many choices!

                                           Lisa Rossignul

Autumn's Sancutary

crisp, cool winds caress away the rough edges of summer  21
born again is the serenity of autumn's sanctuary
the heaven and earth burn crimson and gold

      gone are any remnants of summer's trials

      nothing is the same
      what once was green now burns crimson and gold
the songs of life cease to fill the air
rather the thunderous silence echoes everywhere
the laughter and criesfatter burning crimson and gold
      everything burns crimson anf gold
      anything burns crimson and gold

                                           S.A. Sommer
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