Page 18 - Contrast1992Fall
P. 18

Escaping with love from sorrow's

                                Balanced atop this threshold of chance,
                                steady in spite of the tornado's might
                                that threatens to shorten the distance
                               'tween delicate love and lasting delight,
                             I'm staring beyond the tears in your eyes
                             to the innocent waves in your mind.
                          The moon in our sky has strengthened our tides;
                      their force has drowned our buoys of pain.
               I stand on this cliff preparing to dive;
               I remember the kiss we exchanged:
               the uncertain pause, the definite cause
               of Our bOdies'true nervous embrace.

               Could e' er be the time, once love passed its prime,
               that the dreaming birdfallsfromfaith's limb,
               that memory's smile escapes beauty's face
               and the seahorse forgets how to swim,
               that luxury'S lion loosens its bite
               and the stars shoot away with the night,
               the sand and the sea don't determine the shore
              and OurliJejdckets don't feel secure?

              Or, Could e' er Such a day be, once time's set usfree,
              that Our love needs us more than before?
              Below waits the water, and the wind whirls again;
              my platform's vanished. Crashing through space,
              I'm tired of watching the waves wash in vain,
              of wishing to wade 'neath the surface.
              Meet me tonight in the depths of the sea;
              bring only Your heart, its trust in me.
              Long-winded pirates with treasures we'll be,
             freeing love's cellmates, pleasure and bliss.

                                                            Kyle A. Wallace
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