Page 26 - Contrast1992Fall
P. 26

Blind Date

Karen Kraus

    The call came late at night late enough that Angeliq. ue was praying hthat
the ringer on her parent's phon' e was turned off as she answered I.t. To . er
bSouarprdn.ssey, sttheme c. aller was someone she knew only from a compu ter bulletin

   "Bonsoir, this is Eric Levigne," the voice said in a slight French accent.
"SIosmSburiec.i"de Blonde there? She probably knows me better as L' Enfant

    Angelique smiled to herself in recognition of his alias. H~r .alias w~ ?
from a favorite INXS song. "Hi, Eric. You're looking for SUIcide B,lon ~.
Well, you've reached her, but you can call me Angelique. So, what sup.
Why'd you call?"

"Well, I met Jennifer the other week, and I was wondering if I could

meet you sometime." Jennifer was the only other female who used the

bulletin board.                                                               did

  Angelique grimaced at the phone; she truly hated blind dates. But, he. I
sfoeermyorue?a"lly cool. Finally she replied, "Urn ...yeah, sure, when's a good ume

   "How does vendredi, Friday, sound to you? We can go to the
cinema under the Bay."

    "Sounds coolon this end. What time, and how will I know you?"
   "Sept heures, and I will find you, eh?"

youStohuennd."s ominous, she thought. "Okay, seven o'clock, Friday. I'll see

   ~iguring it would take at least forty-five minutes from the Kennedy '00
SsthatIon on the outskirts of Scarborough Angelique boarded the TIC at 6. . .

   e sat next to the doors, her stomach s"i.lently churning as nervousn ess b.uilt

up. What if he's gross?, she thought. What if he's really ugly, and he tries

too gviive me a kiISS goodmg. ht? This last thought put such a fear I.Ot0 her , she

almost jumped off at the next station. But reason won out as she told

ghueryseflrfomthaQt uheebCecO. Uldn'tbe that bad. After all, she had never met an ugly

    The boarding whistle blew, and Angelique looked up to see where she
was. Realizing the Yonge station was only a minute or so away, she pulled
out a compact, quickly dusted her face and made sure her blonde hal.f was
perfect as possible. She finished her last minute attentions as the train
stopped. Exiting the station, she ran up the escalator and through the
turnstiles into the small shOpping concourse below Hudson Bay Centre. It
was almost 7:00, and most of the shops were ready to close.

    Glancing at her neon-colored Swatch, Angelique realized that she had
about five minutes until she was suppposed to meet Eric. She paused at a

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