Page 28 - Contrast1992Fall
P. 28

eyes peeking through thick lashes. With effort, she shifted her attention
back to the movie.

    "I hear that this is a really good movie." Eric's warm breath in her ear
gave her a start.

    Angelique nodded. "Yeah, that's what I heard too." She tried to.stay
focused on the screen, until she felt a soft caress across her knee. Slightly
amused, Angelique looked at Eric.

    "You are much nicer than Jennifer," he said as she faced him. "Every-
thing about you is nicer. Your looks, your style ..." He started to lean
towards her.

    She pulled back, though not quickly. "So, do you think the Maple Leafs
mhaivned.a chance this year?" she asked, saying the first thing that came to

    "No, not really," he said, laughing slightly as he put his arm around ~er.
LevSigonme?e"what jokingly, she asked, "And what are your intentions, monsieur

    "Entirely honorable," he said in a low voice as he kissed her lightly on .
the lips. She returned the affection, leaning into him and kissing back. HIS
lips were very sensuous, and it seemed that she couldn't get enough from
that one kiss. She pulled back, taking a deep breath.

cam"eI'movesrormrye,."" she whispered, looking at the floor. "I don't know what

    His smile was full of amusement. "I did not mind," he told her. "Do
you mind if I do this?" he slowly ran his hands underneath her shirt to
caress her waist, then moved higher up.

    The sensation of his cold hands on her body sent shivers down her ba~k.
Still, she was enjoying the feelings. "No, I don't mind that at all," she said,
and they started to kiss again .

  . The movie and everything else was forgotten for the moment as
Angelique could think of nothing but Eric beside her. She closed her eyes,
the ecstasy of his touch filling every pan of her being. A sharp pain and a
childish voice yelling, "Cut it out up there!" brought her back to reality. It
was suddenly cold in the theater, and all she could feel was Eric's lips at her
neck. Disturbed by the continuing pain, near her throat, and the sudden
warmth she felt there, Angelique pulled away from Eric, worried about
receiving an unsightly bruise.

   Eric withdrew reluctantly, watching her face freeze as she pulled her
hand away from her neck smeared with warm, sticky blood from the
punctured carotid artery. In her sudden fear, all she could muster was a
weak, "Oh my God ..."

   Leaning over, Eric kissed her again. "Je suis un vampyre, mon amie"
He smiled, letting her glimpse fangs that strangely made him seem more
charming. "Mais,je ne voudrais pas vous tuer" Realizing that Angelique

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