Page 19 - Contrast1992Fall
P. 19

Confusion Musings

The brown cow
    Dances buck naked

Upon the purple piano
            While the orange alligator

Sings "I want your sex"
   Ina little cafe

Called The Topless Teapot
           Located in the shady side of town

Where dirty deals
    Are as common as elephant dung

In the large mammal section of the zoo
          Both are enough to make one heave

Afrog named Al
       Carries out his business

Trading freeze-dried flies
          On the black market

It seems insects are a rarity
     Since they destroyed the ozone

With their evil new factories
             Huffing and puffing smoke

Like a man with a cheap cigar
      Around the corner

Paramedics give CPR
                To a hapless turtle

Struck as he crossed the intersection
        Shaken, not stirred, in his shell

Like the dry martini
     That the bartender makes

Back at The Topless Teapot

                                    Adam Kline
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