Page 27 - Contrast1992Fall
P. 27

~irrored column to check herself again. Even though they clashed with the
hwatch, her jeans and beat-up Montreal Canadiens t-shirt looked great with
h~r blac~ bo,ots and leather jacket. I should be imposing enough to scare

 im off if he s creepy, she thought, grinning at her reflection.
 h She rushed to the movies, arriving at exactly seven. She looked around
~e lo~~y and saw no one except the ticket seller. Not sure how long she'd
I waitmg, Angelique pulled out two quarters and popped them into the
obby's pinball game. She only gave the game only half of her attention,
and. as the last ball fell between the flippers, she caught sight of what was
~~Ily .the most gorgeous guy she had ever laid eyes on. He was dressed in
btCk Jean.s, boots, a white sweater, and a black leather jacket. His dark
h onde hair curled around his shoulders, and his green eyes were shining as

e came towards her.
  ::Angelique?" he asked, his slight accent giving the inquiry a musical lilt.

 You must be Eric eh?"
"Qui. Bonsoir, mddamoiselle. I am sorry if I was late, but traffic was

not pleasant."
    She gave a little laugh. "That's why I took the TIC. It's cheaper than

parking anyway."
    "True, very true." he said, starting to walk towards the ticket box. The

teenager looked up as the apprached. "Two for. ..'l" He looked her way.
    After Angelique looked at the selections, they decided to see Shattered.

    Eric paid for the tickets as the ticket seller silently handed them over,
and they headed towards the screen where it was playing. "So, you are

fro~ Scarborough, eh?"
  . Yeah, what about you?" They entered the theater and sat towards the

    "Originally, I come from Montreal, but I live in metro Toronto now, near

Casa Lorna."                                                       .

"That's a really nice neighborhood, isn't it? Like all mansions and

    Eric smiled. "No, at least, I do not consider my house to be a mansion.

~ow, the house at the end of Lyndhurst Avenue that is a mansion. But, that

ISnot mine. I live on Nina Street."
    Angelique nodded though she wasn't sure of exactly where he was

talking about.  '

The lights started to dim, and she turned to face the screen, aware that

the still mysterious Eric Levigne was looking at her. Several previews

S?oWed, then the movie started. Angelique tried to accomplish the impos-

sible feat of being comfortable in a movie theater seat. Beside her, Eric sat

straight up, his arms on the rests, watching the opening credits.

She marvelled at his profile, the high cheekbones and full lips. In the

half-light from the movie screen, she could see the green of his half-closed

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