Page 38 - Contrast19731974
P. 38

and vital person. When I checked the want ads for
"research scientist" and "botonist" I found "key
punch operator", and "computer programmer."

        Everywhere I turned it was the same thing, no
experience, no job. I grew morose, then bitter.
As I filled out applications I began to list under
handicaps that I had flat feet and a B.A. in
biology. When I finally came to the grim
realization that the only niches open to me in the
job world required the mental agility of a shepherd
I balked at the system. Just the thought of event-
ually having to give my degree to the Salvation Army
led me to drink.

        I decided to make one last desperate attempt to
use my college education. Believing (incorrectly,
as I now realize,) that the public was clamoring
for all the facts about mitotic spindle formation

r erected a small sidewalk stand to set the public

straight, to use my knowledge for the betterment
of mankind. However, the venture was somewhat less
than successful and I squandered my first months
profit on a roast beef sandwich (with mustard.)

        This plunged me into despair again. Yet, just
when it seemed that I would have to sell my charms
to shut-ins to make a living I had three prophetic
dreams. Each night for three nights a letter of the
alphabet appeared to me. After the second night the
word ':we" was formed. I racked my brain for some
meaning but to no avail~ But on the third night HUh
the arrival of the letter "9" the message became
abundantly clear. I awoke in a cold sweat, the word
"weo" embla,zoned in my mind. WEO. WEEEOOO. I said
it over and over again. First softly, then sensuosly,
then boisterously like the surf crashing upon the

rocks in one of Rod Mckuen's wet dreams. WEEEOOO.
It danced on my tongue like a fine Chablis.

        This then was the answer to all my trlbulatlt
Some power much greater than myself decided that 1,
BrJce Lippy, rebel without a cause, should stop
fighting the system and Simply give in - return
to the womb of mediocrity, mother middle class!
It was so effortless. I had only to let go and
cr1ft into the middle class like a middle-sized
particle tn a sixth grade science fair project.

        My spirit rose like the power window in the
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