Page 42 - Contrast19731974
P. 42

and may soon be archaic, better take it soon.
HISTOR1Yl)History of Situation Comedies;2171 A
comprehensive study of one of modern America's most
dominant art forms. Presented in a chronolobical
format, the course beginswlth the Classical period
(I Love Lucy, December Bride), then covers the
Rococo period (MyMother the Car, Gilligan's Island),
through the Romantic (I Dream of Jeannie, Bridgette
Loves Bernie), and on down to the highly sophisticated
contemporarr period (The Girl with Something Extra,
MUSIC,l)Mantovani---the Man and his Monel 2171 A
biographical look at one of the major figures in

music today as a musician and as adisclple of the
theOry of "Music that doesn't bother anyone."
PHILOSOPHY1):Omithologieal Transcendentallp:;428 s
An in-depth study of the major trends in twentieth
century American thought as exemplified by the most
outspoken American philosopher. J. L. Seagull.

          2)Canine Dogma4. 291 A corollary course to 428.
 it is a look at American philosophy through the
thoughts of its other major proponentae found in his
voluminous works, not to mention key-chains. bumper
 stickers, calendars, and posters. Needless to say,
 a great many of Snoopy's works must stay untouched
 because of the time element and only those theses
deemed noteworthy by the instructor will be studied.
 PHYSICAELDUCATIONl)B, owling I: Students will receive
 instruction in America's favorite sport. To pass
 this course, stUdent must achieve enough proficiency
 to qualify for DuckpIns and Dollars.

           2)Bowling II, Students must have passed
 Bowling I to enroll in this course. A more advanced
 course ,students must qualify:tor Duckpins and Double
 SOCIOLOGYl)M, iddle Class Sexual Mores 122,1231

 This course is designed to allow the stUdent to dis-
 cover, after 4 years of lascivious behavior. the

 correct attitude towards sex. First semester will
 deal frankly with such relevant questions ass Is
 there really more than one position? Will God
 turn you into a pillar of salt if you leave the
 lights on? Do hickeys ever become gangrenous?
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