Page 41 - Contrast19731974
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BIOLOGY: l)rntroduction to BiologY 111.112 - Mitosis,
meiosis, the cell, evolution, the ecosystem, botany,
and microbial life will not be mentioned because
they are superfluous to a. good understanding of modem
biology. Instruction will be limited to the memori-
zation of phrases such as '~eed a new supply of
ant1.histiminee, sir?" which will be helpful once the
graduate receives his job as a pharmaceutical drug
CHEMISTRY, 1)9ualitative AnalysiS and Chemosynthesis
of Tu rwaric Acid and the Teflenaceous Halides 3121
The student will learn the basiC configurations of
these vital building blocks of the chemical industries.
Students will be expected to be able to synthesize
them by the end of the term when their products will
be displayed and sold at a party.
ENGLISHa l)Poetry of McKuen 215,216, Two semesters
w11l be dedicated to this most complex and prolific
of contemporary poets. Most of his major works w11l
be studied ("We made love and the Sea Laughed", "Love
in a Moonlit Terra cotta Sever Pipe". "Who Needs
Sheepdogs") ,and the student will be encouraged to
write in McKuen's style through a series of liereary
exercises such as holding molten lava up to the ear
and listening to the warm or making love on the
beach at Ocean City during the Labor Day weekend.
2)Grammatica.l Anal 1~of Miniscule S ech
Patte~s 4251 Designed to instill in the student a
sense of pride in the myriad of miniscule speech
patterns that are such an important part· of the Amer-
ican experience. With completion of the course
stUdents must be able to analyze such gems of Amer-
icana as: "hot enough for you?". "Sorry about that,
chief", "try it, you'll li~e it", inti "r can't
believe I ate the whole thing." a
FOREIGN LANGUAGES: l)Nixonese 101,102. Th'-#3pheno -
enal language that noW" pervaa:es every aspect of Amer-
ican life has been formalized a scant five years,
before this it was tmown as "gibberish. It The stu-
dent will find this a diffieul t language to mastert
at times it seems purposely cryptic. nt is character-
ized by a repetition of key phrases ("point 1Ji time")
and an uneasy manner of speech. The difficulty is
compounded by the fact that, unlike other languages,
it is almost impossible to obrain good tapes to use
as study guides. This language 1s highly unpopular