Page 63 - YB1965
P. 63
Ronald 1. Jones, B.S., Ed.M. Instructor in Physical Education Robert 1. Waldorf, A.B., A.M. Director oj Athletics for Men Asst. Professor of Physical Education Joan R. Weyers, B.S., Ed.M. Instructor in Physical Education MEN'S DEPARTMENT "I had this boy in my class once" . . . "The secret to the somersault is to pull your head in and-Oops!" ... "Hemem, ber you can't apply a tourniquet to the neck" . . . "I contend that". . "Yea, but what hap. pens if a kid should break a leg in MY class?" ... "Always remember, fake left and go right-All through life?" PHYSICAL EDUCATION DEPARTMENTS Fern R. Hitchcock, Jr., A.B., Ed.M. Instructor in Physical Education WOMEN'S DEPARTMENT From folk dancing to tap dancing to interpretive dance to the frug? ... "That Notebook" ... Formulae in physical education? . "No, we don't offer acquatics" ... "Miss Todd, will you be a fullback?" ... New uniforms at last ... "Oh, she referees, too". . Labs versus intramurals .. ''True or false, is she the Peach or the Apple?" .. Not to mention field hockey, basketball, volleyball, tennis, bad. minton, golf, archery, fencing and bowling for the "well. rounded" athlete. "
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