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delta omicron The Omicron Eta Chapter of the Delta Delta Omicron, culrninuting in an initiation in Omicron National Professional Music Frater- the fall. nity is a new addition to Western. .Maryland's Although a rather small group, its acco.lll- list of organizations. This Chapter was for- plfshments have been many. An It:stall<~t~~~ mally initiated on November 16, 1957 by na- tional officers of Delta Omicron and is the only Musicale was presented on the evening 0 initiation and repeated later as a Tuescby active chapter in Maryland. afternoon recital. An alumna of Western Mary- Delta Omicron was founded in 1909 at the land was initiated in january and another in Cincinnati Conservatory of Music by three the Spring with the freshmen music majors. An undergraduate students who desired to create American Musicale was presented by the mem- a society to inspire closer friendship and higher bers in April . scholarship among music students. Since then Officers of Omicron Eta Chapter elected til it has been extended to include more than forty the fall included: president, Patricia Garcia; college chapters. first vice-president, Karen Helbig; second vice- The third national fraternity represented on president, Evangeline Grim; secretary-treas- the Hill, the Omicron Eta Chapter has had a urer, Carol Dixon; warden and chorister, Kath- very active beginning. With eight music majors ryn Zeller. Mrs. Mildred Cole is faculty adviser. founding the chapter, interest increased in 156
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