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future teachers of america Growing into one of the largest and most The November meeting featured Mrs ".Mary active organizations on campus, the Future Jane Warren with a talk on "Discipline 111 the Teachers have completed another year of serv- High Schools." The special Christmas pr~gr:lIn ice not only for those in education but for the was centered around Dickens' A CTlI'IsllIIOS Carol, given by the Hev. E. William Hall of cO~~fl~~~~I~:I~~~:\~elleralgoal of acquainting Frederick. our students with the teaching profession, the In January the local organization and tl~e program committee, under the leadership of college were hosts to the i\iIAFT A Leaders~llp Marianne Shears and joanne Fflbey, planned Conference. February featured a panel of stu- a meeting for each month hoping to present dent teachers who told of their classroom ex- extra-class information, entertainmenf and periences, and March was devoted t?, infor~~l~- tion about the various counties, then salalles, fel~~~~~~S·by James Lightner as president, the and available teaching positions. April Featured executive committee included Judy Corby, the exchange meeting with the \Vesh,llimter vice-president; Sherry Phelps, secretary, and High School Club and the May meenng the Bette Flohr, treasurer. Jim also held the office installation of officers for next year. ., of president of the Maryland Association of Aided by their sponsor, Dr. Joseph Baller, Future Teachers, assisted by Bev Bosworth as and the staff of the Education Department, the first vice-president and Sherry Phelps as a FT A proved to be an important organization member-at-large. These three students repre- in the college community. sented \oV~4C at n1
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