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home economics club The Home Economics Club provides an op- show of garments made by girls in clothing; an portunity for Home Economics majors and all interesting talk given by a Japanese woman girls interested in future homemaking to fur- student telling of Family customs in her home- ther their interests in un informal manner land; a talk given by Mrs. S. B. Schofield, the Through this social organization, programs and first head of the department, on the founding projects arc sponsored which are closely cor- of the W.M.C. Home Economics department; related with the field of"Home Economics. and finally a talk and demonstration featuring The first meeting of the year was the annual (lower arrangement. "open house" given by the seniors in the Man- Our club is affiliated with the American agement House to welcome Home Economics Home Economics Association and the Mary- freshmen. Other activities of the year included land Home Economics Association. 1t is a talk and demonstration on hair styling by a through the state organization that state-wide professional cosmetologist; a movie sponsored activities are carried out and information rele- by the club to add to the fund for a department vant to the field is distributed throughout the television set; the presentation of a fashion state.
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