Page 179 - YB1958a
P. 179
pan hellenic council The panhellenic council is composed of both nernent, and the annual spring picnic in Har- the tntcrsorontv and interfraternity councils. vey Stone Park. These two organizations have become quite The IFC was active in arranging a new sys- active in campus life. The awarding of tho tem for the sponsoring of dunces lind parties, Scholastic Cup in November, and the tradi- in obtaining hooks for the gymnasium to insure tiona! party for the winners started the year's better and safer wiring for all future dances, activities for the ISC, followed by the serving [me! in planning a Pan-Hellenic Weekend for of refreshments to seniors before their caroling, early spring. the sponsoring of a baskethall ;)I1d bridge tour- Sen/ed, left to righl: J, Gun- ucrson,lre,lsurer; B. Bloomer, vice-president; B. 1>.kCol'- nrick, president: L. Mayer, secretary.
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