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The Newman Club, formerly called the Car- with programs feurunng informal discussions, rcll Club, became nationally Federated this guest speakers, and talks by the club adviser, The primary purpose of the organization Father Edmond Stroup of St. John's Church in to provide worthwhile fellowship among Westminster. Cathol.ic students. The programs included ac- This year's officers were: \Vil1iarn Spaur, tivities of a religious, educational, and social president; Ji.ll Brown, vice-president; Carmela nature. Meetings were held twice a month, Deltlorn, secretary; Thomas Beckett, treasurer. westminster wesleyans fellowship The Weslcyans are n group of Chrbtian young men who meet every Friday night to The religious group for Presbyterians on study and discuss the scriptures. In this way campus is the Westminster Fellowship. In the they seek to gain a truer insight into the teach- fall, participation in the Churclunanship Pro- ings of Jesus. depu- this year consisted Activities gram kept us busy. During the second semester tations to preach in Baltimore of sending surround- and we sponsored a booth at the WUS bazaar and received valuable program assistance from a ing areas, Home working as counselors raising at the Straw- f01 bridge for Boys, and money staff member of the SCM. We also attended services in nearby Presbyterian churches. The the G. Lee Fischbach, [r., Memorial Scholar- year closed with the election of next year's ship Fund. officers and a picnic in Harvey Stone Park. This year's officers were: Allen Gilmore Officer~ for this year were: Virgini,' Pntt, president; Clarence Kaylor, vice-president; Thigpen, Bruce secretary-treasurer, president; Harriet Whitmore, vice-president; Edward chaplain. Dr. Charles E. Crain, adviser. Miller, Ethel Vonderheide, secretary-treasurer
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