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Aristotle sat here. classics club international Tn this, its eighteenth year on the "Hill," the relations club Classics Club again attempted to bring to OUt campus a greater interest in the Classics. The With the time separating men from each most important project of the school year was other hecoming shorter and shorter, and the the sponsorship of the first run 6II!!, Oedipus constant threat of war confronting us, we of Rex. W.M,e. had the distinction of being one the THe are attempting to learn to understand of the first schools to show the film since its world problems so that some day we may be release to colleges and universities throughout able to do something about them. the country. Our first speaker of the year was Dr. Rnlph Other projects of the Classics Club were Price who spoke on "The Implications of the trips to Walter's Art Gallery, a talk on "Horace" Sputniks," our main topic for the year. Dr. by Dr. John Glenn, Professor of Latin at Get- Price helped us understand its meaning for _u~ tysburg College, and the showing of slides as students, emphasizing America's ne~d for borrowed from the American School or Classi- more interest in education, especially In the cal Studies, Athens, Greece. fields of mathematics and science. Officers for the year were: Lynn Mayer, We believe that this club performs a neces- President; Nancy Jones, vice-president; and ~ary function in a liberal arts college by helP; Joan Schaeffer, secret-try-treasurer. The Spon- mg us to learn and to understand more abou sor was Dr. Wilham Ridington. the world in which we live.
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