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wrestling m~.~eth;~5~~1~~I~V~~~i~~n~:~1~~nfllll)~~~1~1~~~~; weight classes left open ,following last ,Yc'lr's. gmdunnon. Wes Pang did a very fine Job of learning the holds from s?ratch and producing in the matches. Lou Prtce, a freshman, had some experience from high school and devel- oped into a winner in most of his collcgtare matches. Senior stand-bys Charles Cock and "Ouch, I'm glnd it's Brooks." team captain, Brooks Euler, hoth came lip with fine records. Ken .Mohlhenrich, tJ1C player coach, had high hopes for the team until first semester grades brought some bad news. The squad lost for the team in every match. Despite these two men because of their academic standing handicaps, the squad made a good showing. but picked up two new replacements. All season The graduation of Charles Cock and Brooks the Terror grapplers lacked a man for the 147 Euler wiJI leave two classes to be filled next pound class which meant an automatic forfeit year. Firsl. row, left /0 right: W. Pang. L. Price, F. Stoever. G. Nickolson. Second row: C. Cock, K. Mohlhennch, 5. Kunkle, B. Euler, Capt. 107
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