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women's athletic association The aim of the W.A.A. is to create an ath- their awards. At the fall party, games symboliz- letic prognuTI in which all interested girls may ing each sport were the highlight of entertain- participate. Through an informal program, ment. The spring party was a picnic held at they try to uphold competition, sportsmanship Harvey Stone Park. The \v.A.A. was repre- and responsibility. Each member of the board sented at Homecoming by a much publicized sponsors a particular sport and in this way the Sputnik. intramural program is developed. Sports in- The officers for this year were, Ardie Camp- cluded this year were hockey, badminton, bas- bell, president; Jean Luckabaugh, vice-presi- ketball, volleyball, tennis, archery, softball, and dent; Barbara Boggs, treasurer; and \,Vilma occasional hikes. At the conclusion of each Robertson, secretary. Barbara Dehler and Dee sport season, the \'V.A.A. board selects an hon- Bell were elected as ,freshman representatives orary team. Members of these teams partici- to the council. pate in intercollegiate games. Misses ivlarie Parker and Boselda Todd are In the fall and spring the board sponsored a co-sponsors of the \V.A.A. party, where all sport participants received 108
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