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V,\HSITY BASKETllAU .. TEAJ\I First row, left to right: [. Long, ,J. Deremer, T. Sarhnncs, I. Stewart, \V. Schwartz. SecoH!1 row: D, Sullivan, B Spaur, B. Bruce, E. C. Chandler, S. Stewart, Coach Clower. Not pictured: Carroll Giese, Bob Vnughn. basketball "This season we have the height." The Green Terror cugers were again under the able tutelage of Mr. Richard Clower who is in his second year as conch on the Hill. Although the squad did not enjoy ;1 particu- larly successful season, everyone felt that Western Mm-ylnnd had one of the best combt, nations it has had in recent years. With a few good breaks in the beginning of the season, the Western Maryland five could have compiled a much more impressive record. Captain Bill Spear and Tony Sarbanes were the only seniors remaining on the team as the season closed. With a large number of experi- enced underclassmen returning to the squad next season, Western Maryland can look for- ward to an improving record.
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