Page 114 - YB1958a
P. 114
soccer The Western Maryland Soccer team gave a scored two, Pete Urquhart one, and Bah Cole good account of itself, although not a consist- one. ent winner as in other years. With only John The Green Terror booters defeated Fr?st- Karrer, Bruce Lee, Gene Michaels, and Pete burg State Teacher's College 4-2 as Km·ldSJi~x Urquhart, returning from last year's team, this led the attack with two goals followe y season's squad was lacking in experience. Goal- Varga and Urquhart with one apiece. The tending duties went to Lloyd Musselman, Fred Blue Hens of Delaware University fell 2-1 on Stoever, and Bob Passerella. The Green Terror Michaels' game winning tally which Followed hnckfleld consisted of John Karrer, John Wag- a two period deadlock broken by .1 score by helstein, Hal Taylor, Bruce Lee, Lou Scharr, Varga. Ford Dean, Mnx Beyer, Bob Hyde, and Larry A spirited Alumni team could not be be~ten Langfeldt. The linemen were Bob Cole, Pete until the final minutes. As the ~arsit:, t.n~~~:i Urquhart, Karl Silex, Don Shure, George George Varga tied the game With his se Varga, Gene Michaels, Ed Lukemire, and which was followed by a hard shot from Norman Davis. out by Michaels. This Terror victory pr~- Co-Captain Cene Michaels led the season's scoring with thirteen goals, while George vented the Gracls from scoring their initial Will in the series. Varga was second with six markers. Karl Silex 102
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