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pom pom team Marking their third year on "the hill" arc On parade days we saw them go by holding two dozen collegiately uniformed girls march- high, green and gold colors. We tried not to ing in snappy precision and executing intricate laugh the night of the Homecoming parade routines to the music of the college band. The when they were caught in a sudden downpour Porn Poms appeared on the scene throughout in the center of town and their newly made the Fall sports' season, enlivening and brighten- pom poms wilted. we remember that a couple ing up the pep rallies, parades, half-time activi- of steps were forgotten, that a yellow porn was ties and even the sports award assembly. On lost in a field of green ones, that there were Homecoming Day we watched their sparkling some unrehearsed slips and slides on a muddy contribution to the traditional half-time cere- gridiron, and that several cases of Frostbite and monies. Feet beat time to a lively drum roll pneumonia followed cold parade days. But nil as they marched down the aisles to perform these things will help all of us to better remem- on the stage during the pep rallies. ber the color, the smiles, and the pep of the Porn Pam girls.
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