Page 123 - YB1958a
P. 123
HOl»OHAHY HOCKEY TEA.'] First row, le{f 10 right: N. L. Etz- ler, A. Clemmitt, B. Schott, B. ill Cill. Sec(Hu/ row: J. Luckebuugh, C. Petterson, S. Davidson, B. Retd, ilL Uo"k. Third roro: C. 1. Ensor, A. Corman, A. Campbell, J. Hobin- son, J. \Vood. field hockey Though the weather tried its best to dampen its toll, but through health or perseverance, or the ground, it never quite managed to dampen both, \V.M.C. held its own "playday." With the spirits of girls who found hockey the num- Notre Duma and Towson Teachers as our ber one fall sport on the Hill. Fighting wet guests, we found that victory at hockey W,lS feet, the Au, and their intramural foes, the as rewarding as meeting new and interesting Junior A team finally won the championship people. Finding new friends to meet ag.u» next with the Seniors in close pursuit. year, we will all look forward to another In Intercollegiate games the flu again took W.M.C. "playday." \Vhat do you know? We're near their gonl.
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