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First row, left 10 right J. Demo, J Goode, G. Fletcher, P. werner. Second row: 1. Harrington, M. \V. Pitts, P. A. Jarrell. Third /"ow: /1ยท1.J. Thomey, B. Christian, D. Graham. Four/II row: M. L. Fowler, J. Roeder, N J. Lambertson, L. Marlin, "'!iss Esther Smith, J. Anderson, J. Lightner. COLLEGE PLAYERS The College Players is an organization com- by realistic, well-made sets for all the pro- prised largely of junior and senior dramatic ductions. art students, supplemented by a few from the Besides these, the group is called upon for sophomore class. Under the direction of Miss assistance by others on the "Hill't=ersntzy grass Esther Smith, four productions nrc given for dances and floats, and make-up artists fOi yearly; a three-act play in the fall; the Christ- other productions, while J\'[ iss Smith serves as n1<1Sprogram in conjunction with the College the final critic for the Junior Follies. Choir; three one-act plays in March. and The smell of grease paint, the endless paint- another three-act play given during Com- ing and repainting of flats, the rehearsals, and mencement week. Thanks to thc talents of the thrill of opening night will long remain in Mrs. Joy Winfrey, the players are surrounded the heart of each College Player. 132
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