Page 138 - YB1954
P. 138
Seated: Tull, Mills, Martin, Harvey, Rogan, Wahlers, White, James. Standing, 2nd row: Sipe, Crist, Murphy, Smith, Turney, Batista, Price, Barel, W. Bimestefer, Phipps, Thomas, Stewart, Standing 3rd row: Snover, Ricker, Camp. bell, Bopst, J. W. Bimestefer, DELTA PI ALPHA The Preacher Fraternity held its initial meet- charge of the refreshment concession on Hoffa ing of the college year on Tuesday, September Field, and placed second in the intramural games. 29. Officers for the first semester were: Bill At Christmas the club sent Christmas cards, Pfeifer, president; Bill Campbell, vice president; donated several baskets of food to needy families Pat Rogan, secretary; Larry Taylor, treasurer; in town, and sponsored a booth at the W.U.S. Larry Crist, chaplain; Jim Tone, sergeant-at- Bazaar. arms and Al Wahlers, corresponding secretary. t.l1A held its first semester banquet at Frock's Dr. Charles D. Phillips, head of the Economics Farm, at which time the second semester's officers Department, consented to fill the sponsorship left were formally installed. Honored guests were vacant by Dr. Thomas F. Marshall, who has Captain Thornton, Dr. Holthaus, Professor Ad- taken a year's leave of absence to teach in Greece. kins, honorary member Jim Boyer, and our spon- During football season the Preachers took sor, Dr. Phillips. 136
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