Page 136 - YB1954
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I ALPHA GAMMA TAU Alpha Gamma Tau fraternity began its twenty- accepted, and on November 10, the pledges were ninth year of active participation in the college welcomed into full fraternity membership. community with the return of twenty-two mem- The annual Bachelor Alumni Banquet was bers to school last September. Officers for the held Homecoming evening at Frocks and was first semester included John Thomas, president; attended by many. Another highly successful Jack Urion, vice-president; Harry Grander, sec- event, The Christmas Dance, was held in Gill retary; Bert Springstead, treasurer; Larry Lock- Gym on December 12. The policy of giving food hart, chaplain; and George Antonas, sergeant-at- for a needy family was begun at Thanksgiving arms, and continued at Christmas and also at Easter. The semester's pledging activities began with On January 12, the fraternity held its tradi- the annual smoker, featuring Judge Charles tional banquet at Grandview Inn near Reisters- Moylan as speaker, held in the clubroom October town at which officers for 2nd semester were 19. Later in the month twenty-four bids were elected. Seated: Haslip, Wagonherm, Grander, Zimmerman, Urion, Hadclifte, Antonas, Thomas, Linton, Berends. 2nd TOW: B. Cook, R. Cook, Shreve, Myers, Benson, Moylan, Goll, Manuel Springstead, Shelfo, Gregory, Koukoulas. 3rd TOW: Fogler, Luttrell, Fader, Paul, Jackson, Merkle, SteindofI, Hall, Dewey, Lawyer, Winkleman. 4th row: Gould, Shelor, Hedgecock, Rausch, Hunt, Lockhart, Seibel, Davies, Pierce, Randall.
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