Page 140 - YB1954
P. 140
GAMMA BETA CHI Gamma Beta Chi started off the new school bonfire before the Lafayette game. The annual year in rousing fashion with an "informal meet- Homecoming banquet at Frock's brought back ing" last September at the American Legion post many Gamma Betes of former days on the Hill. in WestminsteL Stories of Ft Meade and other Everyone had a good time at the annual summer experiences were exchanged. During smoker in the clubroom, and the next week nine this first business meeting of 1953-54, Capt. pledges were added to the fraternity roster. They Crouch, of WMC's Military Department, was became full-fledged Gamma Betes after living chosen to be Gamma Beta Chi's new faculty advisor. thru Pledge Week and "Hell Night" ... First project of the year was a re-decorating of GBX's welfare chairman promoted a full the Alumni Hall clubroom. The floor was refin- Thanksgiving dinner with "all the trimmings" ished, new venetian blinds procured for the for a needy Westminster family during the holi- day. The club also sponsored a booth in the windows, and the furniture was re-arranged in a new seating pattern. W.U.S. bazaar, and helped out with entertain- ment for the March of Dimes benefit. GBX sponsored and put on a pep rally and Seated: Dennie, Wheatley, Downes, Gernand, Levay, Chambers, Lambertson, Gwynn, Haut, Hubach, Ruehl. 2nd row: Capt. Crouch, Pickus, Lamar, Tribby, Bruno, Clark, Palmer, Etzler, Harrison, Gipe, Wallace, Hagenbuch, Davis, Monninger. 3rd row: Eckhardt, Bliss, Herzog, Broadhurst, Howell, Whitehurst, Crush, Marshall, Bettars, Schmall, Smith, Taitt, Posey.
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