Page 133 - YB1954
P. 133
Seated: M. Cherry, L. Cermak, B. Almony. 2nd row: A. Allen, B. Harding, C. He.d- man, J. Kellogg. We outdid ourselves on the Thanksgiving and Christmas baskets, and enjoyed our annual THE PHI ALPH CALVES moo loudly in tribute to the aesthetic ideals of Phi Alpha Mu. Christmas party given by our Gamma Bete brothers. Also adding to the Christmas spirit was our own party in the clubroom which was festively decorated by the sophomores. "Sandwiches on second" is still a familiar Phi Alph cry, but with the new year we adopted a new war orphan, a little Korean girl. Second semester's officers were installed at our formal January banquet at Schottie's, and second semester's activities included intersorority basketball and bridge, our annual freshman tea and "hobo" rush party, the senior theater party, and the senior banquet in May which closed an- other never-to-be-forgotten year in the memories of the "sisters of Phi Alpha Mu." 13]
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