Page 142 - YB1954
P. 142
1st row: Crawford, Schabert, Preston, Reed, Green, Blake, Leather, Marton, Close, Willen. 2nd TOW: Jordan, Hay. ward, Horowitz, Snyder, Lambert, Carrick, Jones, Seamans, Leftwich, Silberstein. 3rd row: Vidi, Yeoman, Adams, Galvin, Longwell, Barnes, Halle, Maier, Brenneman, Haugen. PI ALPHA ALPHA Pi Alpha Alpha got off to a fresh start for the smoker with Dr. Makosky quoting a litter of school year of 1953ยท54. A fresh coat of paint rollicking limericks, we gained 19 new pledges. on the clubroom that is. After suffering through a week of sorely felt We also knew we needed good leaders because inferiority, these pledges were accepted formally we were in charge of the Homecoming dance, the into the fraternity. biggest social event of the year at W.M.C. And The Christmas tradition was upheld by a party believe me, we had' them - president, Lou with the Sigmas. Santa Claus in person came to Jordan; vice-presiden t, Chick Silberstein, corre- distribute the gifts. sponding secretary, Ells Shabert; recording sec- retary, Bob Leather; treasurer, Don Hensler; Leadership was definitely Pi Alpha Alpha's Delta, Al Barnes; and chaplain, Paul Calvin. distinguishing characteristic this year. Arnold Hayward was S.C.A. President, and we were Having a small group to start off with, we well represented in all other campus activities know we needed a large number of recruits to and organizations. help with. Homecoming. So after an excellent 140
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