Page 130 - YB1954
P. 130
I Seated: Krug, Paul, Phillips, Blohm, Jeffreys, Kline. 2nd row: Hargett, Taylor, Wheeler, Butler, Rill, Dixon, Holt, Mister. 3rd row: Ramsberg, Myers, Burkins, Hoot, Boller, Nicodemus, Munson. IOTA GAMMA CHI New germs, new projects and new songs, plus Several Iotes went to Montrose School for the same old spirit brefly tell the story of another Girls each Sunday to help with the Sunday successful year for the Iotes. School Work, and we all sent Christmas cards to Eight germs survived "Hell Week" and made the girls there. us proud of them by aiding their sisters in our This year, as before, the sorority sponsored a many endeavors. scholarship for a foreign student by selling sta- "Dragnet" provided the theme for our Home- tionery and greeting cards. coming display-"Only the Score Has Been The Iotes were in charge of one of the pep Changed to Beat P.M.C." We greeted many rallies, something new this year. Also new was friends, alumnae and parents at the "Open house." our side show at the WUS bazaar. A Thanksgiving basket was sent to a needy Again this year the Iotes played in the basket- family which we adopted, and we saw to it that ball tournament and nursed stiff muscles and Santa didn't forget the children in the family at joints afterwards. Christmas. 128
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